Thursday, February 09, 2006

God Can Use Anybody

Yesterday was Wednesday. We did school. I felt like pulling out my hair. They were all so needy yesterday. What is it with Wednesdays? They try my patience. Let me explain. I have to space out the homeschooling so I can give attention to each child at different intervals. Jesse is the most hands on cause he is the youngest. He does great at his math so while he is doing his math without me, I am working on Elizabeth's reading with her. While she is doing her math I read with Jesse. Ethan reads when they are all done. But yesterday, Ethan needed help with his math at the same time Elizabeth was reading and Jesse wanted to read while Elizabeth was reading because he finished his math so fast. They all wanted me at the same time and there was not enough me to go around..... AAAAAAAAAH. That's what I mean by overwhelmed for those of you who were having the stress discussion. I know it doesn't seem like much to some, but really, when you realize the responsibility of trying to teach your children, it is.

After school they played for a bit and then we went to the McDonalds again. $1.59 happy meal day. Ethan has 2 happy meals cause he is almost a bottomless pit. If you remember last week's fiasco, I wasn't too happy. This week, having the great parenting skills that I do (first sarcastic thing in this post), I bribed them with ice cream if they would be good and let me have an adult conversation. We took Guthrie's with us this week. Jesse played with Lance and Ethan chased Anna around the playroom for a good 2 hours. The only one that sat at the table and tried to hang with the adults was Elizabeth until I reminded her of the "no ice cream" and then she was scarce. They all got their ice cream. After a while we noticed that Jesse was missing and Lance was looking all over for him. Finally found him in the bathroom having difficulties after doing the #2 thing. Of course he was in the boy's bathroom and I could not go in to help, so lucky dog Ethan had to take care of things for me. : ) He will be a great daddy when he grows up.

Then on to home and church service. B- can really usher in the presence of God when she gets fired up. Worship was good and message was good. Pastor was talking about Grace and Faith. The kids were learning fruits of the spirit.

We got home and had dinner then I watched a movie and everybody else went to bed. It was called "When Zachary Beaver Came to Town". It is not what I expected it to be. To look at it, you think its about some kids family and it's going to be one of those so-so coming of age kid shows. It was sort of a so-so kid show, but it really got to me at the end. It starts off about this kid, Toby, around Ethan's age and how his summer gets more and more horrible. The fattest boy in the world shows up in his town and the kid and his friends are gawking at him but they end up being friends. The kids goes through losing his mother, a friend's death, getting kissed by a girl.... It was actually kind of emotional. But the part that made me think was at the end of the movie, the fat kid wants to be baptized because he wants to go to heaven and be with his mother when he dies. He had never been able to probably 'cause he was too fat. So the kid, Toby, gets this idea after having a fight with his best friend in a pond, to bring the fat kid there to baptize him. The kid doesn't know how to baptize so they find a bible and are trying to figure it out. They end up going to a drunk cafe owner to find out (he had studied to be a preacher). The drunk guy gives them a lesson about Christ and John the Baptist and then they go baptize the fat kid.
Why did this get to me? because it was soooooo Jesus. The compassion of the kid to reach out to the fat kid enough to help him reach his dreams, the drunk guy able to preach Jesus because he really did have faith and because God can use anybody to bring about change for his Glory... even a couple of kids and a drunk.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith...


Blogger Brenda said...

I feel your overwhelm. Just reading about it brought back memories. I felt my shoulders begin to tighten up immediatly. Hang in there. They have to grow up sometime and it will all be worth it.
Your a terrific Mom.

11:24 AM  

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