Monday, February 06, 2006


I got off work right on time last night. That is a first in a long time. Usually I am there for at least a 1/2 hour if not an hour trying to chart everything that happens during the day. Sometimes paperwork stinks, but at least on our floor it is mostly computerized charting except weird stuff. I had a busy day because there were a lot of doorknobs coming in and out yesterday. My favorite was someone who was only a couple of months pregnant and she was having pains hours and hours prior to coming to be treated but was no longer having ANY pain at all while she was there.... asking if they were going to do an ultrasound. Why do people do that?
For our Christmas party at work we did a list of "you might be a patient on our floor" kind of thing like Jeff Foxworthy does the redneck list. EVERYBODY that came in yesterday was on that list! What a day. It's kind of like that on Sundays. I'm not sure why. A lot of times I think it is because people don't want to go back to work on Monday and they are trying get a legitimate excuse to stay home. You can kind of tell when you are sending them out the door with discharge instructions and they ask you "Do I have to go back to work tomorrow?" DUH. Didn't I just say? No restrictions on activity? That's where I have to be nice and non-sarcastic. But I think Maxine things! Let me tell you.....
So I got a great response to the hair picture. LOL. Edgey tells me last night when I get home, "Man, what did you put on that computer? Everybody was giving me a hard time about my hair." Just wait until I post his little cowboy picture. He used to try to be a cowboy. He spent a lot of years in Nebraska and that's ALL that's in Nebraska. If you're not a cowboy you are nobody. He said when he was going to church there nobody (meaning girls) payed attention to him. But then he had one of those geek makeovers and went and bought himself some cowboy boots, jeans and western shirt and hat... Then they were all about hangin' with the Edge. On his first Sunday back to church he got 3 dates. I guess at one point he could have been considered a REAL cowboy because he used to break horses on some ranch and he did work on a pig farm at one time - he talks about his brother throwing pig poop in his mouth and how he almost puked then he got a fresh one that was still warm and threw it on his brother's shirtless back. Brothers are fun aren't they? I can't say anything about the electric fence ordeal.... but you can probably guess. Somebody doesn't want me to talk about that.

Kim Lea


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Edgey.


1:05 PM  

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