Friday, February 03, 2006


Wow, guys! I just read Ryan's blog, then saw in the little sidebar Brenda has one and definitely was holding out on me too.... Then, I saw Cahlen and Conner are were on there too. Cool. Cahlen even has that great sarcastic humor (you know the kind that only other sarcastic people get) that Jeremy has.... Jeremy doesn't know it, but his blog was my favorite so far. Now there's some competition. I'm not too sure about Layne. He just needs to post something. Anything. I guess I will just have to add everyone to my sidebar so I can keep up. I agree, it's interesting to read what other people are thinking. Especially since it's the kind of stuff you don't just sit around and talk about at church or wherever. Most of my stuff is just sharing what is going on in my head and in the house for the day.
We got through school today without too many bumps on the head and then Thursdays are my favorite day because my kids get to spend the afternoon with their grandma and I get to run freeeeeeeeeeee......... yeah. I made them lunch then rushed them right over to grandmas house. I went to have lunch ALONE. Now I know some people have a hard time eating by themselves, but those people usually don't have three children hanging on them all day all week long... well, except for Saturday and Sunday's when I am at work - but then I have other needy people whining for things too. Now, don't get me wrong. I truly love my children, they are a heritage of the Lord, arrows in my quiver, etc... etc... but I do enjoy QUIET moments alone too. After a great low carb chinese buffet lunch alone, I went to the Dollar Tree to dink around. While I was there, mind you this is only 1 hour and 15 minutes from the time I dropped my darlings off, my mother calls on her cell and says, "We walked to the lake, can you come pick us up and take us to Tyler's game?". Tyler is my nephew and he is on a Dodge ball team at his school and my mother thought the kids would like to see that. Sooooo, I drove clear across town to pick them up at the lake and drive them to the school. My mother has this dog and I had to take the dog to my sister's to be babysat until the game was over. I talked to my sister for about 20 minutes when there is a knock on her door, and guess who was there? My kids! They got kicked out of the gymnasium because they were getting creamed by the dodge balls and it wasn't safe for them in the gym. Elizabeth got nailed in the leg, but she didn't cry... and Jesse got nailed too, but I am not sure where. Sooooo, after that, I had to take them all back to my mother's house so I could go dink around again.
I decided to go to another dollar store because I was looking for some more "Bling, Bling" (see previous post). I thought I would get one for Edgey for valentines day.... LOL... but to no avail.
Then I went to the goodwill store. I love to look for books at the goodwill and DAV and salvation army. That is my true hobby. Books. If you come to my house, you will see that reflected in the decor. Way too many books..... (smile). Well, the goodwill was having a 99cent sale on kids clothes. I could not believe the clothes I found today. Old Navy, Limited too, Gap, and 3 pairs of play jeans for Ethan... I just put 3 pairs in my hand-me-down stuff cause he is growing out of everything. I was excited. I bought a load of stuff. 1/3 of the clothes still had the brand new tags on them. I couldn't believe it. I'm guessing I would be the bargain shopper B- was talking about in her blog. That made the day for me; alone time and a real bargain. Wow. I really hate wasting money on clothes so that's a "thank you God" moment for me.
Edgey picked up the kids and took Ethan to karate tonight. When I got home, Jesse and I went to exchange videos at Hollywood video. He picked out some Magic School Bus DVD and I got the Grimm Brothers DVD. Don't waste your time on that one. I like fairy tale stuff, but this was way too whacked for even me. Edgey said it was dumb. Two thumbs down on that one.

Have an awesome day!
Kim Lea

Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. 4 Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior's hands. 5 How happy is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.


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