Tuesday, February 07, 2006

You Little Pipsqueak!

I just got back from the store and got some Pella bologna. I haven't had that in years, but it sounded really good today. When I went to college in Pella, I got it fresh all the time. The best thing about Pella were the dutch letters from Jaarsma's Bakery or maybe it was just the bakery itself. The Pella Happy Joe's also made the best taco supreme pizza. I've never had any that matched it here in Des Moines. If I had been saved when I went to college, I might have liked the place better, but really I hated being there. I hated the "tulip picking penalty" - you know how many stinking tulips there are and you can't even pick one or you have to pay (well, if you get caught anyway). I hated that the only thing open all night was the Hardee's. I have only gone to Hardees, maybe, 3 times since I went to college and that was a LONG time ago. It was the ONLY place to go and stay up all night while you were trying to study. I guess RedRock was cool too.
So how was our day today? We got done with school early except Jesse Boy slept till 10:30 (he's not a bad person, Alex) so he did his much later. Then we were reading blogs and Ethan found Brenny's and was thinking that was pretty cool, so we had to make one too- mainly so Ethan could comment on Brenny's. I had to set most of it up, but I think I will have him do it for school since it will help with spelling and grammar, etc... Elizabeth wanted to play a game on the computer after that so they all took turns playing some Disney interactive games for a while. So I have not been able to post all day cause the computer has been taken up or we have been busy running.
I made tuna for Elizabeth for lunch cause she has been begging me for a tuna sandwich since last Friday. The boys don't like it at all. I was chopping up onions into scarcely seen pieces and she came in. She hates onions if she knows they are in something but if she doesn't know she never says anything. She says, "Are those onions for my tuna salad? YUCK!" I had to explain that there have ALWAYS been onions in her tuna salad and she has ALWAYS liked it before and she was not a happy camper. She did eat her sandwich but when it got towards the end she says, "Mom, I can taste the onions and I don't want any more." Whatever. We gave the rest to the dog. Dogs are good for something like licking the floor clean and garbage disposals and being scary looking to the neighbors. The dog across the street is hilarious! It is a tiny black and tan chihuahua and it barks at me when I come home. It even crosses the street and comes after me.... and it's name... LOL is pipsqueak. I about died laughing when I heard the neighbor calling it back. "Come here Pipsqueak!" Pipsqueak better be careful on our street or it will get squashed by a psycho driver going 50 miles an hour.

Quote for the day: How much easier is self-sacrifice then self-realization! Eric Hoffer


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