Friday, February 10, 2006


I woke up with a headache this morning. It's not a real headache but the kind you get from sleeping in the wrong position. I wish I could go to the chiropractor. I keep stretching my neck but then I just get shooting pains going to weird places in my head and back. Ow. I used to have a friend that could just hold my head in the palm of his hands and barely twist and my neck would crack everytime, just like the chiropractor. It was awesome. But he's hanging out with Jesus now. Life is short... and the older you get, the shorter it gets - the faster it goes by. I remember when my grandmother turned 50; my dad called her "1/2 a century" to tease her.
Ethan and Jesse boy are sleeping in today. They must be tired. Ethan had karate last night and then the instructor took them swimming until about 9:30 p.m. Then Edgey went and picked him up and Ethan came home acting like he was starving to death - so he ate a huge sandwich and an apple and went to bed.
Jesse fell off the end of his bunk bed (slipped on the ladder) last night right before bedtime and whacked his head on a box that had his toys in it. Now he has a little gash on his forehead. Luckily a batman bandaid helped him quit crying. Batman is cool. I am afraid he is going to have a lovely bruise this morning.
Elizabeth is the only one up right now (10:15 am). Edgey got up this morning and took her on her weekly date. He tries to take her out to breakfast every week. He's a good dad. I was surprised he took her out and didn't sleep in cause he is going to have a late night tonight, I imagine. He is going to help at the ATF (Acquire The Fire) thing for the youth at church. He was really looking forward to going. They are going to have a great worship band there.
Since I have to work and leave by 6:30 in the morning, I have to go pawn off the kids for the night. It's way to early to try to wake them up and get them to 3 different places (nobody wants all 3 at once). Ethan is going to Aunti's, Jesse is going to my grandpa's, and Elizabeth is going to hang out with her grandma. She already drew grandma a picture to give her.
I was out running yesterday as it was my freedom day. I didn't go to my usual dink around spots. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and one Goodwill and the Family Christian Bookstore in Ankeny. I had never been to the Ankeny one and wanted to check it out. Pastor had said he was really into Andy Griffith right now. So what do I run across when I am looking around but this "Mayberry" bible study that relates the Andy Griffith show to the bible. I almost called him to ask if he had it. They also had some for "Bonanza" the old western show. You can either get the study guide alone or with the video's. There is an entire website dedicated to Andy Griffith episodes. (click here to see it) It looks pretty cool. I wish they had one for Little House on the Prairie. I know, I'm weird.
The one thing I did get for myself was a book (who could have guessed) called "Who Needs a Superhero?" The boys are so into all the superhero stuff, I thought maybe it would help to relate it to bible stuff - you know - spur of the moment teachable moments. I have to look for those all the time for homeschool. It goes through Superman, The Hulk, Batman, Spider Man, Daredevil, X-men, Fantastic Four, Captain America, Iron Man and Wonderwoman. I used to love the old Superman and Wonder Woman t.v. shows. I will share if there is anything really interesting in there.
I also looked through the cd's but didn't find what I was looking for. I like Wellspring's better for the cd collection.
Well, I need to go pack bags for tonight. I think Elizabeth already did hers, but I had better check it out. You never know what she puts in there.

Have a great weekend. If I have time, I will post.


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