Friday, February 03, 2006

Our Story

Ok, so I told you I would write our story of how we met and all that jazz.... Well, first of all, some background. Edgey was at Teen Challenge on staff as a counselor. I was working at my favorite place in the whole world - the insurance company (Allied Group Insurance) and had just got done with a couple of LOSER relationships, so I had completely sworn off men and did not want anything to do with them. I was fine with just me and God and my best friend across the street. I lived a 1/2 block away from my church (Grace Wesleyan) at that time and totally loved the people there. Now, the only thing that I had a hard time with in that church was that I didn't get fed as much as I needed in terms of sermon material, but God knew what I needed in terms of "family" and that is what counted at that point in time. I got fed with word in other ways, like TBN and Joyce Meyer tapes and sunday school class (I went into the old people's class so I could actually learn something) and so on. But this church was not the church I grew up spiritually in so I had a lot of friends at my old church way across town (Commerce Community Church). A big reason I even went to Grace was because at some point my car had died and I couldn't drive way across town. At the time, it sucked, but later I could see God's hand in getting me to where I am now.
Well, my friends way across town were putting on a bible camp for underprivileged kids to teach them about Jesus and drugs/alcohol. We called it the Way to Life camp. They needed camp counselors so they talked me into doing it. I had to get off work a day or two.... Oh darn! So off I go to help with the camp. Meanwhile, back at the monastery, which is what Teen Challenge was at one point in history, Edgey was getting a bunch of drug/alcohol addicts together to come and give their testimonies at the camp and help with the kids.
I didn't even know he was there, but my friend Scott, kept saying, somebody here likes you cause he knew Edgey was watching me like a hawk. Scott didn't even tell me who it was until the day before the last day of the camp. I was like, what? him? no way. Edgey looked like a mountain man back then.... not my type. He wore flannel shirts, long curly hair and full beard and mustache. Besides, remember I had sworn off men anyway especially ones in flannel shirts. We ended up playing cards that night with a bunch of people and had a blast. Peoples personalities really come out when they play games. Couples fight, people get vicious and competitive during games... It's fun! You really see how they are. The next day before we left he talked to me about going out for coffee sometime and I agreed.
Now that's my side of the meeting. What he would tell you is that he saw me and freaked out.... he had to go down by the edge of the woods and pray and God told him that I was supposed to be his wife. I was exactly what he had been praying for. So he was staring at me from a distance and freaking out at the same time, avoiding me like the plague. We talked on the phone a couple of times for loooong periods of time and really got to know each other and he met me and my best friend one night to hang out. Then there was a phone conversation that went like this:

Edgey: "So, I've been praying about us."
Kim Lea: "Yeah?"
Edgey: "God told me you're the one I'm supposed to marry."
Kim Lea: "Yeah, right...." (1/2 laughing)
Edgey: "No, really, I'm going to marry you."
Kim Lea: "I'll have to pray about it."
Edgey: "Will you marry me?"
Kim Lea: "I told you I'll have to pray about it."
Edgey: "OK."

Whacked huh? He asked me to marry him on the phone after 3 phone conversations and we had never really gone on a date yet. He just knew what God had told him. So the rest of the story is I prayed and fasted over the whole deal and threw out a fleece to make sure I was hearing right... I mean, marriage is a huge decision, especially if you have sworn off men. LOL
So the rest of the story is pretty obvious, except that part of the deal was that he had to ask my parents for my hand in marriage. We were completely freaking out, worried that my dad would say no and if he did we were going to honor the decision. Talk about sweating. Anyway, he asked my dad and dad said yes. My mom laughed because she couldn't believe he was actually asking in this day and age. But we were so thankful that they agreed, we didn't care.

Well-married a man is winged; ill-matched, he is shackled. Henry Ward Beecher


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