Thursday, February 16, 2006


It's Thursday and my free day. I am looking forward to lunchtime. I may try to meet Edgey for a lunchdate. The two older ones already have their schoolwork done. Yippee. Jesse Boy is still asleep and it is now 10:45. He is the only one that went to church with me last night so he didn't get to bed until after 9:30 anyway. The other two got sent to bed at 7:30. Elizabeth wanted to stay home with Dad cause Edgey stayed home with sicko Ethan. He is still a snot nose today but at least he is not coughing. The hard part about "sick" with Ethan is when he gets the Asthma. That can be stressful. So far, so good.
I have to go to the grocery store today and I am going to do some after-valentines- day shopping and see if I can find some clearance stuff for the childrens church store. Girls do like stuff with hearts on it don't they?
Oh why oh why did it have to snow. I am freezing today again... I was so cold yesterday and last night at church I was shivering all through it. I would have gotten my coat but I put it in the music office on the platform - DUH. That was real cool - literally.
Pastor talked about the Holy Spirit last night. I don't have any comments at this time, but I do remember the best description of the Holy Spirit ever and it was from Kathryn Kuhlman - I will have to see if I can find it. It is very simple and I had written it down for a sunday school lesson at one time. The kids in my class got it. Somebody told me later that they were asking about speaking in tongues and wanting to be filled with the spirit just because of that one lesson. Wow. God is so amazing.
Nothing exciting for today so far. Maybe I will write later in the day after my running.

Question for the day? What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?


Blogger Jeremy T. Brancheau said...

Do you know Thomas Ingram? He works at mercy. He just called my office and he is the nastiest, most awful person i have talked to today. He was extremly rude and if you see him...punch him in the arm.


11:32 AM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Sorry Jeremy, I don't know him personally, but I will keep my eyes peeled.

11:41 AM  

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