Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Red Eye

For those of you who are into action/suspense movies, I've got a good one for you. We watched it last night. Awesome! and even as tired as Edgey was, it kept him awake. It is called "Red Eye." Two thumbs up!
We had a pretty good day yesterday. Elizabeth didn't want to do school again. All she wanted to do was make valentines. So there were a hundred valentines taped to the walls and doors and tables. She said we were having a valentine party and she was making party decorations. So I chalked it up to an art day for her. I need those days sometimes... The boys both did their school and they all sat for the read aloud stuff.
I got the kids little valentine heart boxes that had chocolates in them. Jesse got spiderman, Ethan got Hulk and Elizabeth got a Care Bear heart. I was having a hard time deciding which ones to give the boys. Jesse came down in the morning with a Hulk shirt on. Darn.
My superhero book compared the Hulk to sin. When a sinner wrestles with himself he cannot win. Hulk/Bruce Banner battles himself; gentle scientist Bruce compared to monster Hulk. Man suffers from anguished conscience, dreading the future and worrying about harming the one he loves. The man's control of the monster is slowly losing ground and the monster is becoming more and more powerful. The scripture they use is Rom 7:15, 18-20

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.... For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

In the end Hulk wins. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin." John 8:34

We had boring sandwiches for lunch and then the kids played playstation. They were so into playing they didn't even notice that I took a nice little nap. I had gotten a smoked turkey at the store the other day so I had put that in the electric roaster. We had that for supper along with low carb garlic mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. Man, that was awesome. I hope they have some more turkeys when I go back. I may have to buy a couple more for the freezer.
Then last night Edgey and I met the Mack's for coffee and fellowship at Caribou Coffee. It was fun. Of course, I had too much coffee, so I was wide awake, pretty much the whole night. I will probably have to have a nap again today.
Ethan woke up this a.m. and he is coughing and saying his throat hurts. I'm afraid we will have to cut the McDonalds day today. Edge may have to stay home with him tonight. We have had a good year so far without any major sick stuff. Sometimes that surprises me, especially with my job and the fact that I am around so many sick women. I thank God for that.
For some of you, you may not know exactly what I do for my job. I am a nurse on a perinatal floor. Our specialty is taking care of pregnant women who are 36 weeks or less. Full term pregnancy is 36-40 weeks. We get all the hyperemesis (pukers with morning sickness and flu), preterm labor, high risk pregnancy like pre-eclampsia or PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) when the blood pressures go way high due to pregnancy, PROM = premature rupture of membranes. Really, we get anybody that is before 36 weeks..... gallbladder problems, kidney stones, car accidents, bleeding, etc... We also get delivered patients that were PIH and on magnesium IV because they need to be more closely watched, and fetal demise patients (dead baby) which is one of the more emotionally demanding and lesser aspects of my job. The days I have those patients are not fun. It is awful. Edgey says my job is mainly to keep the buns in the ovens. I love it. I really love it when I compare it to the telemetry/respiratory floor I was on. That was stressful. Whenever I feel like complaining about the job I have now, I just think of the job I had before, and then before that..... My "favorite" insurance company. Yuck.

joke for the day: What does a fish say when it runs into a wall? Dam.


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