Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tales of the Hood - The Two Towers

Our neighbors are quite interesting.... We'll call the "man" of the house T- and the lady of the house "Cuz" because one day we were all coming home and Elizabeth waved over and yelled "Hi Cuz (cousin)". Edgey just about fell over laughing. Cuz just laughed and waved back. T and Cuz have a couple of kids and are common law married. T is drunk or high just about anytime we see him and always cussing at his kids - one boy who is a bit older than Ethan and a girl who just went to college for medical school. She is the only one who has got it together. Sources say they have the best weed for sale in all of Des Moines. Whenever a big shipment comes in, T- brings this evil dog home and pens him up in the back yard. The dog is mean but its because they are so mean to the dog. No one touches it except T.
When we first moved in there were many nights of drunken parties next door. Over the years it has gotten 80% better. They don't have too many parties now. They would be up till 3 or 4 in the morning on the weekends and of course, I have to work - it did not go over with me very well. We didn't call the cops too much or there would have been problems. I know what patience is when it comes to that.... Peace now or peace later? Now when they would wake up the kids in the middle of the night, Edgey would go out there and holler or at least ask them to keep it down. One of the worst things was that they would blast the stereo in the car in their driveway and then all go in the house with the radio blaring - NO one would be out there to listen to it. That was really irritating. You know how it makes the windows in the house rattle and vibrate? grrrrr.
The best time was when I think I hear fireworks and the next door neighbor is getting his house shot at. No one was home at the time, so who knows if anyone was even aware they had gotten shot at.
Speaking of fireworks... that is a spectacular thing around here on the 4th of July and probably about a month before and a month after. On the 4th, however, T- gets his gun out and shoots it into the air in the middle of the night after a drinking spree. He says it sounds like fireworks. They also spend way too much money to get fireworks and light them off..... That gets really old when you are trying to sleep too. It wouldn't even be so bad if it was just one night all night, but not around here. People really love their freedom around here.
The only thing about T- is that he really does take care of us in a neighborly sort of way. One morning, very early, before anybody had gotten up, Elizabeth decided to take a walk and go visit Katie V. who lives about 20 miles away. She was about 4 at the time. She got herself dressed, put on her jacket and purse and unlocked the front door and started walking down the street. It happened to be a garbage day and T- was taking out the garbage after an all night drunken stupor. He grabbed Elizabeth and, staggering, brought her back home. He pounded on the door and I finally ran down there in a robe. He just said, "I was trying to be a good neighbor. I'm a good neighbor, you know." He was slurring his words the entire time. I had to reassure him he was a great neighbor and thanked him over and over again until he left to stagger home. Elizabeth was in BIG trouble.
The other time he was helpful was when the little drunk mexican knocked all the trash cans over on another garbage day..... he helped me pick up my trash too. I thought that was very nice of him but it was probably because my trashcan and trash were in his yard.
Oh well. God takes care of us..... but if anyone wants to pray for me to get a place in Adel or DeSoto, I would welcome the prayers. : )

Oh, and happy valentines day!


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