Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Love the Lord...

When my alarm clock went off this a.m., my body did not want to get out of bed, but my spirit was singing that Lincoln Brewster song; Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and all your mind and with all your strength.... I went about doing my routines not even realizing I was singing. It's so much easier for me if a verse is written into a song because that is the way my mind thinks. It's not like pastor has been drilling the verse every service for about a year now. But, when it is in a song, boy it sticks with me. I remember going through psalms at one point and highlighting every verse that I remembered being in a song and it was getting pretty colorful. Now I know you young pups aren't going to know who Harvest is but when I was singing way back when, one of my favorite songs was: Behold God is my salvation, I will trust, I will not be afraid; Behold God is my strength and my song and He has become my Lord. Is 12:2
School went well this a.m. Elizabeth was excited because she just got to start reading her new primer and it has a little workbook to go with it. And she had finished her mathbook yesterday so we started a brand new mathbook today also. She was lovin' it.
Since I had gotten the "sheep" book out, the kids had seen that and were asking about it, so we have started reading a chapter a day out of that and I am having them memorize the 23rd psalm. Jesse is still working on phonics and he is doing really great with his math and numbers. I think he is going to be quicker in the math than Elizabeth. He can count silently and look at the numbers and think them where Elizabeth has to count everything out over and over out loud to hear herself... not sure if that's a girl thing or not. Ethan is almost done with the Dan Frontier series. He has one more book to go.... Then what am I going to do? He does like the Christian Liberty Nature Readers and we have been reading a little out of those also. Then I have him read the Keys for Kids on his e-mail every day. It's a pretty cool daily devotional for kids.
After school today we met Carmen and her kids for a play date at the McDonalds. Today is the $1.59 happy meals day. Her boy is Jesse's age and her girl is 3 but loves to play with Ethan. So I thought maybe I could actually have an adult conversation while they were all occupied with other things. Unfortunately they were extremely mommy needy today. They did not listen to me well at all. My friend even said how shocked she was since they have always been so well behaved at other times and she was even jealous..... well not so today. For some reason they have been arguing with me over EVERYTHING imaginable-even stupid stuff. So we will have to be going back to basic training again. Not something I enjoy. Elizabeth even said, "you don't love me, mom" "you hate me".... where did that come from? Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Proverbs 22:15
After the McDonalds fiasco we came home and the kids played some games on the computer until it was time to go to church. Pastor was talking about my message from monday.... except he expounded more than I did. It was about being content with life and if you are not you are in big trouble! The best part, of course, was that I got to sing! Wow, twice in one week.

Be Blessed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are an encouragment to me when I read about your homeschooling. It is a great reminder for me to take a look at the accomplishments of the day and the year so far and to not just look at what needs to be accomplished by the end of the school year.
Thanks you are great.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

Your blog is always reminding me to stay in the word.

Your personal photographer

12:32 PM  

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