Thursday, February 16, 2006

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Well, I tried to write more this evening but when I got on to blog, AOL froze up and wouldn't let me go anywhere, so I gave up.

Let's talk snow.... Our snow stinks. It didn't even cover up the front yard completely. It's not even worth shoveling. It is a dingy grey color- maybe just cause where I live... but everywhere else it is a disgusting brown like somebody made a frappuccino and dumped it everywhere.
Let's talk driving in the snow.... There were some REAL idiots out today. I was very patient and on the offense. One group of kids was really ticking me off though. They were following someone they knew who was in a brand new car with no license plates yet and were going way too slow - irritatingly slow like 15 miles/hr, which might not have bothered me except they were weaving in and out and goofing around. Well, we got to this stop light and they go to turn but both cars turned too fast or something because the idiot following almost t-boned the brand new car and they both spun out. The new car ended up driving opposite of the way he was originally going. LOL. That showed 'em. Weather is boss! Yeah! I happily drove on with nothing to hold me back. It did get pretty slippery. A few more idiots were slipping around on hills and one guy couldn't stop at a red light and ran it and turned at the same time, otherwise he would have t-boned another car who had the green light. It really amazes me.

My most scary driving moment.... I lived in Colfax at Teen Challenge and was driving to Ankeny to classes for nursing school. When you are coming into town on I-80 west of Adventureland there is a nice little downhill stretch that for some reason totally ices over. I hit the ice at about 35 miles/hr and did a couple 360's gripping the wheel tightly, closing my eyes (like that's going to help) and yelling "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" .... when the car stopped, I was facing the direction I was going on the shoulder and was able to just pull right back out and keep driving.... adrenaline rushed of course.
My most scary passenger moment.... I was working for my favorite insurance company and we were coming back from MN. There were 3 of us in the car. The main man was driving and we hit a patch of ice on a downhill and headed DIRECTLY for a bridge. Mind you, this is a high bridge and if we had gone off, the car would have smashed into little pieces. So again, as we are spinning out of control and heading toward the bridge railing, I am in the back seat with my eyes closed again, saying "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." <---that's a good prayer you know! Jesus is good to me. The vehicle stopped, facing the right way and only the rear left side panel had a lovely scratch on it. The driver was shaking so badly, the other gal had to drive the rest of the way home.

So why did I brave the conditions today.... FREEDOM!
I met Edgey at chinese buffet and we had a nice lunch. Then I made a Wallyworld run and checked out the leftover valentines day stuff. I did find some cute stuffed animals- Elizabeth approved of them but she still wanted to know if I had gotten one of those puppies they had in the disco ball store that she was crying over. She was disgusted with me because I had no idea where the puppies came from or who had bought them and NO I did not have any. I found some clearance jewelry for the girls. No boy stuff today.

I bought a cell phone case for myself with leftover Christmas money I had on a gift card. Edgey got me a new cell phone for Valentines day. I had wanted one that takes pictures. I wanted one like his but he got me some other kind and I'm not sure if I like it as well, but I am thankful that at least it takes pics and video. His has a removable chip and mine doesn't. We just take his to the store and can print off the pics on the memory chip. oh well. We will probably give the other cell to Ethan at some point, maybe his birthday or something. He just gets to use it now on an "as needed" basis.
I actually watched olympics tonight. That women's skeleton thing is a trip! I really liked the snowboard cross though. I have always liked skating, but the snowboard cross was the bomb this year.

late nite blogging


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey come on over we have white snow and the kids could make a snowman for our yard...I hate snow

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh when paul and I were dating he was (and still is a scary driver) one time we skidded on some ice and I kept saying out loud Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He looks at me and says "will you quit swearing!" I said "in a rather upset because I would not use his name that way and scared way "I'm not!! I'm talking!!!" he then said oh LOL

8:41 PM  

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