Thursday, February 16, 2006

Food Swap?

This is for anyone at church who might be interested... I was thinking maybe it would be nice if we could trade a dish once in a while. I get tired of making all the extras to go with the meal. You know it is nice to have extras to go with the meat. Now I am talking about those of you who are on Atkins, South Beach, low carb..... Meat and cheese only goes so far. What I was thinking was maybe if we could just make a gigantic batch of one thing and then package it to share and if at least 3 of us could trade off every wed? maybe we would have something else to eat with our meals.
examples: coleslaw, veggie salads, tuna salad, egg salad, angel (devilled) eggs, chicken salad, etc... I use a lot of the salad stuff to make low carb roll ups.
Then we wouldn't have to spend so much time in prepping. What do you think. We could make a list of dislikes (raw onions, mushrooms, whatever) so everyone would know what not to put in and we could pick a dish to make every week or every other week.
Please let me know if you are interested. : )


Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

i pretty much only like chicken... is that a diet food?

5:35 PM  
Blogger marysto said...

I'm definitely interested.

I just need to move to Iowa....

8:58 PM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Chicken is definitely in!
Mary Lynn you just come on down... it's got to be warmer and we don't have as much snow as you do today. We only got, maybe, 5 inches.

10:59 PM  

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