Friday, February 01, 2008

Praise report: water came back on later in the afternoon. I didn't actually have to shower at grandpa's although he was a willing host. The shower came on first - now I ask this because I really don't know. Why would the cold water come on before the hot water. I realize that hot water can freeze faster because the molecules are bigger or something... but you think the heat from the pipe would make it thaw quicker also. I don't know.

Yesterday was interesting. I dropped off Edgey to pick up his truck that was in the shop. He was driving home and it popped out of gear. He was not calm. Took it back to the shop, calling the guy and telling him to stay there because he was coming back and the truck was not working. Now it may be up to $2600. We just spent over $300 on it.
Why do guys have to have trucks anyway? Why is it their dream toy?
Personally, I think he should have stuck with the van he had. I realize it was not as great in gas mileage.

I don't want to hear any more about trucks.

Elizabeth and I went to a "proverbs 31" class together. My friend is teaching us how to make a quilt and we are doing a bible study together with her and her daughter too. It lasts for a little more than an hour (depending on how long we chat). The quilt is for Elizabeth's doll. It is called a flower garden quilt. Elizabeth and I both made a flower for it. It is going to take a while because it is ALL hand stitched. Makes me be patient.

I am excited because I made a video of my college class.... and turned it into a DVD. Now I found out that I may get to do that in exchange for my tuition and fees. Yay! I just need to get a bigger memory chip and an extra battery. I don't think it will last for 2 hours straight. The college is excited too because they are getting a bit more current on the computerized scene and want to send out DVD's instead of just audio. They are also trying to get the messages on their website with powerpoint too. I may have to have RMB give me some tips.


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