Monday, February 11, 2008

Had to drop off a couple more bloggers from my blogsite. They haven't written for over a year.... can't have links to boring blogs!

This weekend was interesting. We only had 5 patients on the floor on Saturday. I stayed home on call. Went to Aunties with Edgey and watched the Hallmark Channel and Cooking Channel. I just didn't have the energy to do any homework which I need to do. I took a little nap too. Since we are down to one vehicle for the moment, I had to go with him in case I got called in. I had to have a vehicle to get there. If I had stayed home, I might have studied, but I just couldn't concentrate. Edgey had to work on Auntie's honey do list. She needed some things done around her house. He will still have to go back next week to finish.

I think the Hallmark movie I watched was called "Still I will follow" ... it was really good about a girl who would follow God's plan for her life even though times were tough and didn't go the way she wanted them to. She kept losing everyone she loved; her mother, father, fiancee, son... It was a double kleenex flick.
Last night I watched The Ultimate Gift. That was definitely a triple kleenex flick. Wow. If you haven't seen that one, you should.


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