I went to my first Ladies Spiritual Spa on Friday night. It was at
Heartland Assembly in Ankeny, Iowa. I was invited to attend by Edgey's Auntie. That is the church she has made her home.
So I guess I will just have to describe the experience. You go into the church. They have rooms set apart for different spiritual things.
The atmosphere is totally relaxing and calm and refreshing. There are candles lit all over the place. In the bathrooms, on tables. The lights are all very dim. In the sanctuary, it pretty much looks like you are ready for a wedding... candles, tulle, rose petals all over through the places you walk (would hate to clean that up), more candles..... There was a prophetic worship gal on the keyboard that was just awesome. So everyone goes into the sanctuary and just worships, or prays. They had pillows on the altar. Little girls dressed in prophetic dance outfits and they walked around and danced with banners over some of the people. Some of the older ladies prayed with people and waved flag banners and prayed over the sanctuary.
The next place you went to was a hallway where there were chaise lounge chairs/loveseats where they were doing hand massage with fragrant oils. That was nice and relaxing. The ladies that did the hand massage prayed for you while they did it.
The next room was a foot washing room. Chairs were arranged in a semi circle and spread fairly far apart. You faced a heart made of tulle material and surrounded by candles in a heart shape. In the center of the heart was a cross made of red rose petals. It was beautiful. You sat in a chair and waited and then a person would come and wash your feet and pray over you while you had your feet washed.
After that you went into the prophecy room. When you first come in, they give you a cassette tape. In the prophecy room, the chairs are arranged into 4 squares with 2 chairs together on each perimeter. You sit in a chair and wait for someone to come pray with you. Several of the prayer warriors walk around and if they feel like they have something for you they also will prophecy over you. That is what the tape cassette is for. They speak everything into a tape recorder or a scribe will come sit and write down whatever they say to give to you.
Now, I knew this was coming up... so before I even got there, I had already prayed to God to protect me with Jesus' blood if there was anything that shouldn't "get on me" and expecting a word from the Lord. I am not so sure about a bunch of people laying hands on you and praying when you don't know who they are, etc... but I do know the pastor of the church.... so I trust that it is a decent body of believers. Does that sound wierd?
Anyway, I sat in a chair and I had one lady pray and prophecied over me. It was pretty much a confirming word. I'll just keep it to myself for now. I don't know that I am supposed to really share it.
After that, I went to another hallway where they had a communion table set up.... with REAL bread and typical little juice cups. You could take communion or not.
The last thing was a fire pit outside. You write on cards anything you want to get rid of in your life and then pray and throw it into the fire pit. So I wrote a couple of little "anger & unforgiveness" issues on there and threw it in. I guess I didn't really realize it was still there until that evening. Amazing what comes up when you hang out with God.
Well, I thought that was the last thing.... the actual last thing was what they call "the fire tunnel" where you go through a line of about 24 people. 12 on one side and 12 on the other... or thereabouts. You walk through and they all lay hands and pray for you. Wow. There was some stuff going on there. I was about the 5th one through and then sat and watched and hummed to the prophetic worship that was still going on because it was in the sanctuary.
When you finished the tunnel, they gave you a white rose to take home.
It was all very nice..... OH! and the most important part! They had hundreds of chocolates ALL over the place... in the bathroom (didn't take one from there), on tables, on the floor next to the chairs you sat in, everywhere. It was great. Just kidding about the most important part, but chocolate is very important this week.... :)
It would make a great ladies meeting, but you would have to have quite a few women to pull it off.