Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well, it snowed last night. AGAIN! At least a good 5 inches at my house. It took forever to scrape and brush the snow off the van this a.m. Jesse had an eye appointment this morning. It was his pre-assessment for his eye surgery. That will be in March in a couple of weeks. The Dr. is supposed to be the best in Iowa..... but I am wondering why God just couldn't heal his eye without the surgery? We keep praying for him. The Dr. did say it had gotten better since last time, so that builds my faith a little bit. He was a little freaked out today when the Dr. was talking about it. He even gave the Dr. a hug. It was sweet.
Anyway, the roads were cruddy. I slid around and was thankful several times that no one was in front of me at some lights, because I probably would have rear ended them. It was just sheets of ice except on I-235 and the sun was melting some of it. This is the time I would have preferred to stay home.
I think I have class tonight. Only a few more left. I will have mixed emotions when this class is done. I usually am bummed out that they are over, but this time I will be glad because I feel somewhat overwhelmed by the whole thing. It is just a lot to cover..... all the prophets.... and the homework is very time consuming (more than usual). I keep thinking, I am not getting anything done on my goals and that is frustrating for me. I am trying to just roll with it.

ATF was good for the most part. The teens were fun. The speaking and drama was good.... and Michael Gungor was awesome as usual as he did worship. I wasn't too thrilled with the bands Fireflight and Nevertheless, but the guy Phil Joel that used to be in Newsboys was great too. He had a good message and I liked his music. His hair was way long!!! like longer than any of the girls in our church.... except he didn't flip his around as bad as Fireflight. They looked like a bunch of squirrels flipping their tails. LOL
I guess the thing I got out of it the most was about not letting your dreams be stolen away. Ron Luce spoke about that. Then there was another guy that talked about being a fish out of water and how we go back and forth between God and the world. We thrive in the water (God's presence) and suffocate without it. It was a very good analogy and he actually had goldfish that he would take out of the water and let flop around to get the message across. Poor fishy.
Although we did not stay in a hotel, I got to sleep in a comfy bed instead of on a cement floor. That was a plus!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I really don't know what to write today. My week has been full of things..... Worked this past weekend.
I was really excited because the new Knight Rider was showing.... dumb! I was totally disgusted within the first few scenes. I suppose that is the catcher scene to draw everyone to watch or not. But TV is just disgusting! The first few minutes showed Mike in bed with two different women. Oh boy what a stud. Whatever loser. Then the next couple of minutes showed the chic cop saying goodbye to her "friend" whom she had only just met the night before and the "friend" was another chic!
I should have guesssed it would be up to worldly standards. Good old David Hasselhoff (looked old and used up) had his 5 minutes on there too.
I don't think I will be watching that again. Very disappointing!

Monday was freezing. Had to clean from the weekend.
Tuesday was freezing. Had to make appointments and study. Also did some decluttering, but it's still sitting in a pile until I can decide what to do with it. Sound familiar?
We also had class last night. The teacher called a few hours before class to see if I could fill in for the sermonette, but I am so not a spur of the moment kind of person and gave her that lame excuse. The person that was supposed to do it was staying home with a sore throat. What is wrong with me? After I hung up I just started to kick myself. Here I should be jumping to have the opportunity but I didn't have anything ready and felt like I don't have anything to share that will be refreshing. lame. Most of the students are already pastors and have their masters degree.... So then I had to ask God to forgive me. We just had this lesson on Moses. How he felt inadequate and thought he "couldn't do it" and here I am doing the same thing. If he can use a donkey, I'm sure he could use me to speak something....(oh, I forgot, I am a donkey) :(

Today is Wed. I need to call my grandpa in a 1/2 hour (make sure he's awake) to see if he has an appointment today. I hope not because it is supposed to be even colder today. I didn't check the news but MY thermometer says -10 outside. Brrrrrr!
My shower is not frozen. That I am thankful for. My wash machine worked this a.m. too.
Tonight I teach kids at church. In one sense I am excited because I am enjoying it, and in another, I am bummed out because I will miss the main message tonight. I think they are talking about my spiritual gift tonight. I guess I can get the cd. I listened to the last one and was cracking up by the end of it because I know plenty of people who fit into the scenarios he was describing. LOL.
If you missed the message last Wed., make sure you listen to it. It was great. I think the biggest thing it helped me understand was the motivation behind how everyone acts. Once you understand the motivation, it makes the relationship with the person much easier. It is kind of like the love languages.... when you understand a person's love language, it is easier to make them feel loved. If you don't know how they feel loved, you can try all you want and they are still not going to feel that way. I suppose it is the same way for the motivations. It definitely showed me a couple of things about my husband. He was teaching on his gift last week.... Mercy. Definitely my husband. That is why he hugs everyone and wants deep friendships not just surface stuff... because his motivation is relationship.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Just another reason to homeschool...... This would be like my daughter coming to school and saying she was now a boy. ugh. The class will receive counseling. Unfortunately, I imagine it will not be godly counsel.

8-year-old boy returning to class as girl

I would think this child would really have some things going on in his head to not want to be what he was created to be.
I remember at that age wanting to be a boy so I could pee outside and not have to go back into the house to use the facilities.... I think I have written that somewhere on here before, but I don't remember just hating being a girl. I'm sure there are many reasons someone could hate themselves....shame, abuse, etc...

God says he knew us before we were even born, before we were in the womb... created specifically to be who we were and for a purpose.
We are talking about Adam and Eve in Wed. night class.
Gen. 1:26-27 says God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness.... So God created man in his own image, male and female created he them.

Because of Adam’s disobedience, we have all inherited sin and a distorted image. We have to fight fleshly weaknesses and urges that are not in line with God’s original intention or purpose. God discusses sexual practices that were an abomination to him—adultery, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality. (Leviticus 18:6-23)
God also specifically forbade portraying oneself as a member of the opposite sex for immoral purposes. (Deuteronomy 22:5)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I was just going to put a little link on here about this story.
Some more Christian persecution..... right here in good old Iowa.

Intelligent design costs prof his job

Monday, February 11, 2008

Had to drop off a couple more bloggers from my blogsite. They haven't written for over a year.... can't have links to boring blogs!

This weekend was interesting. We only had 5 patients on the floor on Saturday. I stayed home on call. Went to Aunties with Edgey and watched the Hallmark Channel and Cooking Channel. I just didn't have the energy to do any homework which I need to do. I took a little nap too. Since we are down to one vehicle for the moment, I had to go with him in case I got called in. I had to have a vehicle to get there. If I had stayed home, I might have studied, but I just couldn't concentrate. Edgey had to work on Auntie's honey do list. She needed some things done around her house. He will still have to go back next week to finish.

I think the Hallmark movie I watched was called "Still I will follow" ... it was really good about a girl who would follow God's plan for her life even though times were tough and didn't go the way she wanted them to. She kept losing everyone she loved; her mother, father, fiancee, son... It was a double kleenex flick.
Last night I watched The Ultimate Gift. That was definitely a triple kleenex flick. Wow. If you haven't seen that one, you should.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Snow, Snow, & More Snow

Not sure how much snow we have gotten so far, but it as least a foot. It is very pretty on the tree branches. Yeah, it's pretty all right, but I am stinking tired of it!
Class was cancelled last night. Edgey had to stay overnight in Marshalltown because it was too bad to drive home. He ran to Wallyworld and bought clothes and toiletries. I told him just to wash out his underwear and hang it up to dry, but he didn't think that was very funny. :o)
I thought it was a good idea...

My class was cancelled last night and Grandpa cancelled his appointment today. I keep wondering whether church will be cancelled tonight or not. I am supposed to teach the kids class tonight. The streets have not even been plowed and it's still snowing here. grrrr.

I received an email today that an exploration team has found physical evidence of Noah's ark in Turkey. A wooden structure was discovered in the interiors of an unusual cave. The petrified wooden fragments are going to be tested. How cool. Many times, there have been sitings of the Ark but this is the first time there has ever been any "material evidence."

Today is Ash Wednesday. I am praying about what I am going to give up...... When I first started going to church (not Catholic) we had and Ash Wed service every year. It was a reflection of self and becoming more like Christ and usually a giving up of something. The cross of ash on the head was a outward sign of death to self and identifying with Christ. I have fasted sugar before and just fasted food and had only liquids (juices, broth and water) before.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I watch Oprah once in a while if I have time... I got sent an email today about her New Age teaching... which at times I have wondered about. She talks about God but doesn't really acknowledge Christ. Below is the email. I thought I would share so you can be aware and discerning.
The Twisted World of Oprah and Friends

If you haven't heard of "A Course in Miracles" or the proposed "Peace Alliance," then please pay attention. "New Age" queen Oprah Winfrey is promoting both, and it seems that what Oprah wants she gets due to her financial status and her loyal fans. Starting January 1, 2008, she began a daily feature on XM Satellite Radio featuring "A Course in Miracles"-one lesson a day. And also this year, she will have her own television network.

Marianne Williamson has picked up and run with the "Miracles" course, which was channeled to a woman back in the 1960s. In 1965 Helen Schucman heard an "inner voice" saying, "This is a course in miracles-please take note." For seven years she took spiritual dictation from a demon who said he was "Jesus." "A Course in Miracles" has now become the "New Age" bible.

Here are a few statements from the course:

* There is no sin.

* The journey to the cross should be the last "useless journey."

* Do not make the pathetic error of "clinging to the old rugged cross."

* The Name of "Jesus" is just symbolic of all the gods to which you pray.

* The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.

* The "atonement" is the final lesson man needs to learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.

This should come as no surprise in these latter days as the Bible is clear that some will not give heed to sound doctrine but rather listen to the doctrine of demons (II Tim. 4:3,4).

But the story of Oprah's and Williamson's push for all things unusual and unrighteous does not stop here. Williamson is trying to get a Cabinet level seat as a part of the "Peace Alliance" push by the two women. Check out the
Web site on the U.S. Department of Peace.

Think about what the Bible has to say about peace apart from the Prince of Peace. It says it will be a futile effort and even bring destruction (I Thess. 5:3). The Antichrist will play off of peace, but Daniel says "by peace he shall destroy many" (Dan. 8:25). Yet Oprah and friends believe this "Peace Alliance" will usher in an era of global peace founded on "New Age" spirituality. They refer to it as a "civil rights movement of the soul."

We live in strange and deceptive times, so to sharpen your discernment, visit our
"Spiritual Deception" category at the Web site. As believers, let us thank God for the real course in miracles. It's called the Bible.

Warren Smith is one of the best expounders on these issues for when he was a "New Ager," he was caught up in such things, particularly "A Course in Miracles." He outlines his story in his book, "From the New Age to Amazing Grace" offered in my print newsletter.
Hear my hour with him on "Radio Archives" for February 2, 2008, hour one. Also, hear Bill Koenig's report on his trip to the Mideast with President Bush on "Radio Archives." For podcasting, check this link.

If you have time, I recommend listening to the archived program. Wow. It is a guy who was taking the courses and even teaching them.... and found out how deceptive it really was. He gives his testimony... there is also a clip from the Oprah Winfrey show and really shows her true beliefs.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Spiritual Spa

I went to my first Ladies Spiritual Spa on Friday night. It was at Heartland Assembly in Ankeny, Iowa. I was invited to attend by Edgey's Auntie. That is the church she has made her home.
So I guess I will just have to describe the experience. You go into the church. They have rooms set apart for different spiritual things.
The atmosphere is totally relaxing and calm and refreshing. There are candles lit all over the place. In the bathrooms, on tables. The lights are all very dim. In the sanctuary, it pretty much looks like you are ready for a wedding... candles, tulle, rose petals all over through the places you walk (would hate to clean that up), more candles..... There was a prophetic worship gal on the keyboard that was just awesome. So everyone goes into the sanctuary and just worships, or prays. They had pillows on the altar. Little girls dressed in prophetic dance outfits and they walked around and danced with banners over some of the people. Some of the older ladies prayed with people and waved flag banners and prayed over the sanctuary.

The next place you went to was a hallway where there were chaise lounge chairs/loveseats where they were doing hand massage with fragrant oils. That was nice and relaxing. The ladies that did the hand massage prayed for you while they did it.

The next room was a foot washing room. Chairs were arranged in a semi circle and spread fairly far apart. You faced a heart made of tulle material and surrounded by candles in a heart shape. In the center of the heart was a cross made of red rose petals. It was beautiful. You sat in a chair and waited and then a person would come and wash your feet and pray over you while you had your feet washed.

After that you went into the prophecy room. When you first come in, they give you a cassette tape. In the prophecy room, the chairs are arranged into 4 squares with 2 chairs together on each perimeter. You sit in a chair and wait for someone to come pray with you. Several of the prayer warriors walk around and if they feel like they have something for you they also will prophecy over you. That is what the tape cassette is for. They speak everything into a tape recorder or a scribe will come sit and write down whatever they say to give to you.

Now, I knew this was coming up... so before I even got there, I had already prayed to God to protect me with Jesus' blood if there was anything that shouldn't "get on me" and expecting a word from the Lord. I am not so sure about a bunch of people laying hands on you and praying when you don't know who they are, etc... but I do know the pastor of the church.... so I trust that it is a decent body of believers. Does that sound wierd?

Anyway, I sat in a chair and I had one lady pray and prophecied over me. It was pretty much a confirming word. I'll just keep it to myself for now. I don't know that I am supposed to really share it.

After that, I went to another hallway where they had a communion table set up.... with REAL bread and typical little juice cups. You could take communion or not.

The last thing was a fire pit outside. You write on cards anything you want to get rid of in your life and then pray and throw it into the fire pit. So I wrote a couple of little "anger & unforgiveness" issues on there and threw it in. I guess I didn't really realize it was still there until that evening. Amazing what comes up when you hang out with God.

Well, I thought that was the last thing.... the actual last thing was what they call "the fire tunnel" where you go through a line of about 24 people. 12 on one side and 12 on the other... or thereabouts. You walk through and they all lay hands and pray for you. Wow. There was some stuff going on there. I was about the 5th one through and then sat and watched and hummed to the prophetic worship that was still going on because it was in the sanctuary.
When you finished the tunnel, they gave you a white rose to take home.

It was all very nice..... OH! and the most important part! They had hundreds of chocolates ALL over the place... in the bathroom (didn't take one from there), on tables, on the floor next to the chairs you sat in, everywhere. It was great. Just kidding about the most important part, but chocolate is very important this week.... :)

It would make a great ladies meeting, but you would have to have quite a few women to pull it off.


Friday, February 01, 2008

Praise report: water came back on later in the afternoon. I didn't actually have to shower at grandpa's although he was a willing host. The shower came on first - now I ask this because I really don't know. Why would the cold water come on before the hot water. I realize that hot water can freeze faster because the molecules are bigger or something... but you think the heat from the pipe would make it thaw quicker also. I don't know.

Yesterday was interesting. I dropped off Edgey to pick up his truck that was in the shop. He was driving home and it popped out of gear. He was not calm. Took it back to the shop, calling the guy and telling him to stay there because he was coming back and the truck was not working. Now it may be up to $2600. We just spent over $300 on it.
Why do guys have to have trucks anyway? Why is it their dream toy?
Personally, I think he should have stuck with the van he had. I realize it was not as great in gas mileage.

I don't want to hear any more about trucks.

Elizabeth and I went to a "proverbs 31" class together. My friend is teaching us how to make a quilt and we are doing a bible study together with her and her daughter too. It lasts for a little more than an hour (depending on how long we chat). The quilt is for Elizabeth's doll. It is called a flower garden quilt. Elizabeth and I both made a flower for it. It is going to take a while because it is ALL hand stitched. Makes me be patient.

I am excited because I made a video of my college class.... and turned it into a DVD. Now I found out that I may get to do that in exchange for my tuition and fees. Yay! I just need to get a bigger memory chip and an extra battery. I don't think it will last for 2 hours straight. The college is excited too because they are getting a bit more current on the computerized scene and want to send out DVD's instead of just audio. They are also trying to get the messages on their website with powerpoint too. I may have to have RMB give me some tips.