I was really excited because the new Knight Rider was showing.... dumb! I was totally disgusted within the first few scenes. I suppose that is the catcher scene to draw everyone to watch or not. But TV is just disgusting! The first few minutes showed Mike in bed with two different women. Oh boy what a stud. Whatever loser. Then the next couple of minutes showed the chic cop saying goodbye to her "friend" whom she had only just met the night before and the "friend" was another chic!
I should have guesssed it would be up to worldly standards. Good old David Hasselhoff (looked old and used up) had his 5 minutes on there too.
I don't think I will be watching that again. Very disappointing!
Monday was freezing. Had to clean from the weekend.
Tuesday was freezing. Had to make appointments and study. Also did some decluttering, but it's still sitting in a pile until I can decide what to do with it. Sound familiar?
We also had class last night. The teacher called a few hours before class to see if I could fill in for the sermonette, but I am so not a spur of the moment kind of person and gave her that lame excuse. The person that was supposed to do it was staying home with a sore throat. What is wrong with me? After I hung up I just started to kick myself. Here I should be jumping to have the opportunity but I didn't have anything ready and felt like I don't have anything to share that will be refreshing. lame. Most of the students are already pastors and have their masters degree.... So then I had to ask God to forgive me. We just had this lesson on Moses. How he felt inadequate and thought he "couldn't do it" and here I am doing the same thing. If he can use a donkey, I'm sure he could use me to speak something....(oh, I forgot, I am a donkey) :(
Today is Wed. I need to call my grandpa in a 1/2 hour (make sure he's awake) to see if he has an appointment today. I hope not because it is supposed to be even colder today. I didn't check the news but MY thermometer says -10 outside. Brrrrrr!
My shower is not frozen. That I am thankful for. My wash machine worked this a.m. too.
Tonight I teach kids at church. In one sense I am excited because I am enjoying it, and in another, I am bummed out because I will miss the main message tonight. I think they are talking about my spiritual gift tonight. I guess I can get the cd. I listened to the last one and was cracking up by the end of it because I know plenty of people who fit into the scenarios he was describing. LOL.
If you missed the message last Wed., make sure you listen to it. It was great. I think the biggest thing it helped me understand was the motivation behind how everyone acts. Once you understand the motivation, it makes the relationship with the person much easier. It is kind of like the love languages.... when you understand a person's love language, it is easier to make them feel loved. If you don't know how they feel loved, you can try all you want and they are still not going to feel that way. I suppose it is the same way for the motivations. It definitely showed me a couple of things about my husband. He was teaching on his gift last week.... Mercy. Definitely my husband. That is why he hugs everyone and wants deep friendships not just surface stuff... because his motivation is relationship.
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