Monday, February 05, 2007

Superbowl Sunday XXXXI

I took the kids to homeschool roller skating on Friday. They had a blast and I tried to read a book I picked up at the thrift store. I got a few chapters done in between the kids coming to check up on me and make sure I hadn't moved. The skate starts right after we eat lunch, but they come and ask, within the first 1/2 hour we are there, for something to eat or if they can have money to get something to drink. I pointed them in the direction of the water fountain several times.
I also took a CD I had burned of a mix of upbeat Christian songs for them to play and the gal said I was her hero and came over later and said I could come get a free drink at the stand. I waited till the kids came up way too many times to ask for money and then sent Ethan over to the gal to ask for my drink so they could split it. Well, I was very blessed because she gave each one of them their own soda. Of course I had to sacrifice mine so they could have them. Elizabeth said, "Where's yours mom?" I had to act like a martyr just so I could see what she would do. "Oh, I didn't get one so you all could have one." She wondered why and I had to tell her that sometimes mom's have to sacrifice what they want so their families can have things. The boy's didn't even ask..... Elizabeth offered to share hers but I didn't want to share my crud with her so I refused.
The funniest thing was that they had the drawing at the end of the skate time and Jesse won AGAIN. He has won every time we have gone. So he got a cotton candy and shared with us. He is blessed. We tease him because he wins every time. Ethan can hardly stand it. "He won again, Mom!!" "Why does he always win?" "I missed it by 2 numbers! Man!!!" I just tell him it's because he is blessed. It's in his name.... Jesse Ray means God Exists and Wealthy Counselor. So he's cashing in on his wealth. Jesse said he is going to buy me a bunch of stuff when he gets big. I told him that was good, because I will need somebody to take care of me when I get old.

I had a great weekend at work, even though I am still fighting with this crud in my throat and head. I got to work with a gal that was over in Iraq working as a medic for a year. She worked in a hospital there. She brought her laptop which had a ton of pics and video's of the war and things that happened while she was there. Very eye opening and not the same as what the media puts out. I learned a lot and very glad about it.

After work was over, I sat in the nurses office area and watched the last quarter of the superbowl. Normally it wouldn't be much of a thrill for me, but I thought it was very cool that both coaches are Christians and I wanted to hear God given the glory at the end of the game.... which did happen a couple of times. I was proud of both teams for the way they handled themselves. That is what our generation needs to promote integrity and character instead of cussing & flesh.... and you know what I mean! I ran across a great website about both coaches. Here is the link for that

One of the gals I work with brought some chex mix. I had got a cream cheese ball with crackers from the cafeteria and another brought cheese and crackers and salami so we had a good time watching what was left of the game.
Edgey took the kids and went to a superbowl party about an hour away at a church member's house. He said he had fun and the kids had fun too. Elizabeth was bragging that she met a teenage girl and they were friends now. I had to laugh because it was the babysitter that was there. She wants to be grown up so badly. I don't remember being that desperate to be a grownup till I was about 10 or so. But I am sure my mother would disagree. I do remember wanting to be a boy, however, because then I could go pee outside and not have to go back to the house to do that. That was just so irritating, to be out riding the horses or fishing in the pond and have to go a quarter of a mile back to the house to go pee... Very frustrating. I recently heard Elizabeth say something to that effect and could definitely sympathize with her.
I learned to hold my water for long periods of time. I suppose that is not the best thing for your body. But it definitely helps me with my job I have now. We all joke about getting a little bag catheter to wear while we are working because we go so long sometimes without getting a break... yep, roller skates and a catheter.
The boys said they had fun at the party but they didn't go into details. That's a boy for ya! Maybe I'll get more details out of them today.

Have a great freezing cold day. It is supposed to get up to 1 whole degree today. Yeah!



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