Monday, May 01, 2006


I made it through the weekend. I was very disappointed that I did not have a chance to go to the conference at the college over the weekend. They had a speaker there, Derek Kuhns. I went on Friday night and it was so awesome. The theme of the conference is "O God Give Me an Understanding Heart!" It was based on I Kings 3:9-12

Unfortunately it was very busy this weekend at work. Lots of people coming in for preterm labor and problems. I didn't get out on Sunday until 9:30 p.m. Oh well. I am going to try to get the cd's of the services I missed.

Anyway - I woke up today in the middle of a dream.... that I was in a muslim type worship service and I was in the traditional dress of the women - completely covered in black cloth, except on the heads we had beautiful lace coverings almost as big as a towel, but white lace. I'm not sure what that was all about. I remember being on my knees on some mat on the floor and worshipping God, no differently than I do now but it was in a mosque or something. There were men in a separate section of the temple and about 3 in the front with dark green mantles across their shoulders. The head of the service called several people out to help with certain things. He would tell why he chose them for certain qualities that they had, then he said that he needed a visionary and called me up to help create something he was putting together. Then Edgey called and woke me up..... weird huh? It was very vivid. Any interpretation would be helpful.

We did school pretty quickly this a.m. and I have been trying to catch up on laundry and emails and write on here. Tonight Edgey's friend is coming over to hang out and have me do some stuff on the computer for him. I am making fahitas for supper and I am already getting hungry for them.

I was hoping it would quit being so yucky outside. It was sort of rainy here this morning and has been cloudy and dreary all day. I need some sunshine. Do you know how important sunshine and light really is? This was really interesting to me because of my nursing background.

The light (Greek, luchnos, lamp) of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single (Greek, haplous, free from defect, unspotted), thy whole body shall be full of light (Greek, photeinos, full of light, shining, bright). But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light (Greek, phos, radiance) that is in thee is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23).

Most of us have seen this as an illustration of spiritual truth rather than a natural truth. Scientists, however, have "discovered" a natural meaning. To break it down into lay terms:
Light sensation in the eyes is needed for healthy functioning of the entire body. The pituitary gland which is the "master gland" of your endocrine system, the pineal gland which has to do with melatonin production and our sleep cycle and the hypothalamus which regulates most of the pituitary gland and some of our emotional behavior are all connected directly with optic nerve fibers separate from our visual perception.

We NEED to have strong light in a regular daily cycle, perceived through the eyes, for the well-being of the entire body.

They have also discovered that there is more blood flow through the eyes than even in the kidneys which filter our blood. Our entire volume of blood will flow through our eyes in approximately 2 hours. This is awesome! When the light that enters our eyes touch the blood cells, the cells become 800% more effective. The slides shown of the cells without this light work randomly and sort of chaotic, but the slides of the cells with light had ORDER inside of them and they looked like they were in "unity". Isn't that awesome?

Being outdoors, in unfiltered light, will improve your health and your children's. No wonder they act and feel better after they have been outside. It isn't from the fresh air - it's from light.

Quote for the day: The phrase "working mother" is redundant. -Jane Sellman-


Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

I like the blue words at the end of your post you should make your whole post from now on that color it's easer on the eyes to look at.

Live on blogger,

4:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

No problem. I like blue better anyway. I just never thought much about it. :)

5:11 PM  

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