Wednesday, April 05, 2006


What is going on? There is a perfectly lovely sky with no clouds anywhere and the alarms are going off! I turned on the TV and they have a tornado warning for Polk County. That is just whacked. The trees are not blowing, the sun is shining......

Anyway, yesterday I finally went to the eye doctor. I had not put in my contacts since Sunday for an hour. He looked through the giant magnifying lenses and said he could tell I was having some allergic reaction to something and since I had not had my contacts in, it was probably environmental like pollen or dust or something in the air. So, now at least I know what the deal was. He gave me some new disposable contacts to try and I ordered new glasses. The one's I had were so old he let me look at the prescription when he was doing the testing and I couldn't even read the top line clearly. That is bad. I only wear them at night when I have to see to walk through the house. I am just glad that is all over now.

joke for the day: What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours? Nacho Cheese.


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