Friday, April 21, 2006

Calm Down!

Well, I am frustrated. I have been cleaning and the kids were playing and I could hear them upstairs pounding and goofing around. Elizabeth fell asleep because she has a snot nose cold and I gave her some cold medicine. She passed out in the chair watching TBN. But, my lovely little darling boys were wrestling around and Jesse ended up with broken glasses. GREAT!! just great. Count it all joy right? RIGHT!
I am just thrilled, can you tell? And Ethan says, "Calm down, mom, we were just wrestling around. Isn't that what boys are supposed to do?"

I am off this weekend. We are going to the Parker's tonight for dinner. Tomorrow is worship practice then Edgey and I are going to go to Story City to the outlet mall to look for some work shorts for him and go out for our anniversary dinner. Our actual anniversary is next tues. but we won't have time then, so we are going on our date this weekend. Auntie is going to watch the kids for us tomorrow. Then church on sunday.

The neighbor is borrowing the dog and has it chained up in the back yard. He must have gotten his big shipment of weed in. He's been on the back porch on his cell phone this afternoon while I have been cleaning. I wish someone would bust them.
It's getting close to the end of the work day, so next will be a bunch of traffic coming and going from their house. After living here for 7 years, we pretty much have it down to a science.

I actually started some seeds. They are in my tub right now. I love impatiens so I planted some of those and a little flat of zinnias. Wow, did they sprout overnight and are already about 3-4 inches tall, most of them. The impatiens are just barely coming up now. They seem to take forever to catch a glimpse of them. Do you think that's why they are called impatiens (impatient) lol. sorry I am laughing at my own stuff. Sad.

Have to go for now...... got things to do and I am trying to limit myself on the computer.


Blogger Nokeo08 said...

am i deep, take the poll at my blog(at the end of my newest post)

6:59 PM  
Blogger Jeremy T. Brancheau said...


How did Curt like the coffee?


9:31 AM  
Blogger Brenda said...

Come on Kim. Are you still trying to see if you can not give in to the addiction. Come on you know you want to write so just do it. I look forword to reading your blog. Don't let a sister down.

11:36 AM  

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