Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Yesterday, we did yard work after Edgey got home. The neighbor has been letting his trees grow over onto our side of the chainlink and they are a mess. The old couple that was there before this guy would have never let that happen. We trimmed the stuff that was sticking over into our driveway and chopped down the ones that were growing up on our side. Some of them were ruining the fence and I really don't want his pitbulls having access to our behinds. Only one of them is nice. The other one I am not sure about. The one that barked all of the time, I haven't seen for a while, so hopefully she is gone! She was awful.

I sorted out all the winter clothes this morning before school. All the fleece and sweaters and stuff - I put in piles so Edgey can bring down the spring/summer stuff from the attic and I can switch everything out. My daughter is growing so fast. I am interested to see what I actually have for her that will fit for this spring.

My mom came and got the kids for a walk right before lunch. They walked around the park then she brought them home right after. Now they are doing their school work. We are off to a slow start today, but blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape. Right?

Last night I watched a show on PBS about passover. It was really kind of neat. Now I am all into doing the craft thing that they had on there about how to decorate a plate and glass. It was really neat. Shalom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! Some real truth in the
media!! I Love You.

9:20 AM  

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