In My Mind
I used to watch Alias every week..... I lived to watch Alias. She (Sydney) was my hero. She was cool. She could do anything including kick booty. I also like the Kim Possible cartoon - she is the exact same way. She is cool and kicks booty... especially the mean guys. When I was watching the Hawkins' boys, they brought their game boys and I played the Kim Possible game for at least an hour.
So if you haven't noticed I have a new picture and this year I am going to be Kim Possible - in my own mind of course. LOL. But hey, If I dye my hair red, you'll know why!
Ok, so I was off for the weekend. On Friday eve we went to Parkers and had dinner. That was really fun. We played some game called "Catch Phrase" with a little electronic game. Your team tries to guess the word and you can say or do anything to help them guess the word or phrase. But the hard part is that it is also like hot potato and once the word is guessed you pass it to the other team. If the timer goes off in your hand, the other team gets the point. It was girls against boys and girls won OF COURSE. Girls kick booty! Especially with word games. Hellooooo.
Anyway, it was fun. We had good fellowship.
Saturday, Edgey and I went and celebrated our Anniversary. We have been married now for 13 years. Lucky # 13. We went to Story City to the Outlet stores and bought a ton of jeans and shorts. 4 pairs of shorts and 7 pairs of jeans and we only spent $79. He needed new work clothes. We went out for lunch to Chinese and then came home and watched "Doom" (his choice not mine). yuck, yuck and yuck. It reminded me of Alien. They all remind me of alien anymore. We watched "The Cave" last night and it reminded me of Alien too. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Don't waste your time.
Sunday was church. I got to sing. Yeah! Then Layne and Sara and Kinzie came over for lunch afterwards. That was nice. Layne had fun checking out the neighbors next door. They had a lot of company since they had their shipment this weekend. Kinzie played girl stuff with Elizabeth.
Sunday night I watched "The Visitation" - Edgey doesn't like anything scary so I have to censor/filter anything that even looks like it is scary. I am surprised he watched doom and the cave.... he must be getting brave. But like I said they were both kind of dumb anyway. The Visitation was ok, but it was spiritual, demon stuff. The possession stuff reminded me of the Green Mile when the bugs come in and out of the characters' mouths.
Monday was a typical day. Tuesday night we went out for my birthday dinner and our anniversary again... this time we went to my favorite restaurant Bennigan's. I love the country chicken strips with honey mustard sauce.
Wednesday was my birthday. I forgot all about it until my dad said something about it. Edgey got me a cake and surprised me at church that night.
Thursday I ran a bunch of errands and the kids went to my mom's. I had to get my TB test at the hospital, mail stuff, run places for my mother, take back DVD's and get the next "24" in the series for my mother so she would watch my kids. We are on the last season now. Then I came home and used my birthday grill and made Edgey and myself some food. We went and watched Ethan do his test for his brown belt and went out for ice cream after that to celebrate because he passed. We were very proud of him. He did a great job.

Ethan getting his brown belt.
That leads up to today. It is drake relays today and the streets are packed with cars and people. Our old pastor came and said hi and parked in the driveway so he wouldn't have to walk so far. His daughter is in the relays.
Tonight I am going to a meeting at the college and Edgey is taking Ethan to Lucas' birthday party and sleepover. Tomorrow is work.
I will try to get back on track monday and write some more.
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