Friday, April 07, 2006

I love my daughter.... I took her out yesterday to have mommy time and we ran around to the dollar stores and looked for flowers. She wanted an african violet with a pink ceramic pot so we got that. We went out to lunch and shared a jamocha milkshake. We had a lot of fun, but let me tell you..... I have never known a girl that talks as much as my daughter. She just will not shut up. She likes to hear herself talk and sometimes it drives me nuts. By the end of the night I was soooooo ready for her to go to bed. blah, blah, blah, blah
Anyway, she is doing it again today. I have tried to explain that sometimes it is inconsiderate to keep talking for no reason. She just doesn't get it. If you have any helpful ideas, let me know.....

This morning we took Auntie to the doctor to have a colonoscopy. Oh boy, was she thrilled. Not.
I have to go pick her up later. I am not looking forward to the day when I have to have that kind of thing done. Her nephew just had it done and he is in the intensive care unit because they perforated his bowel and there is a nickel size hole in his intestine. He is getting antibiotics through an IV.

I watched Bambi II last night. It was cute but not worth buying it... at least in my opinion. You think there is gonig to be more to the story and then it just stops. Weird. The kids liked it though. They watched it today.
Mom said she is going to watch the kids today because she is feeling better - still not sure what her deal was. I may go have lunch with Edgey if Auntie gets done soon enough. If not I will probably go by myself later or with her if she is starving. She had to drink that gallon of stuff and no food since yesterday. I am getting hungry. All I have had today is coffee.

Now my work just called and want me to work this afternoon. Grrr. Since I didn't work on Sunday I have to make it up. I hate working during the weekday! I don't even get paid my normal amount. : ( I get a lot more for the weekend than I do during the week.


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