Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Giving in to Addiction

Well, I made it a whole week without posting. I was trying to see if I could keep from doing it and it worked for a while. Of course I kept trying to read everyone else's but no one seems to post anymore!! Helloooooo out there! So I got disgusted and just decided not to even look at them for 4 whole days. I am proud of myself.

I had to work this weekend. It was extremely busy again...ESPECIALLY on Easter Sunday. What's up with that? Of course it is almost every Easter and I have had to work most of them in the past 7 years I have been doing weekend package. Wow, 7 years. No wonder I am getting tired of it. I guess I just realized that. One year I was working and Edgey was at church and we got robbed on Easter. Wasn't that sweet? Happy Easter to us!!! It wasn't a whole lot- just the playstation and all the DVD's and Playstation games. Must have been some kid. Later we found out that the same kid hit a bunch of houses around the neighborhood that day. Unfortunately for him, he walked in on some old lady who had a nice long steak knife and stabbed him while he was trying to rob her. We found this out later from an informed neighbor. Some justice huh?

The kids did school while I slept in this a.m. They were up before Edgey left for work and I got up around 9. They let me sleep in. Jesse did come in and scratch my back for me. He's such a momma's boy. He will be the one that takes care of me when I get old and gray. When he see's a cool car, he says "I'm gonna buy that one for you when I get big". I can't wait. I want a convertable... well at least today. When the gas prices go up again I will probably want an electric toyota camry.


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