Monday, April 03, 2006


I had quite the weekend. Friday night we went to Ryan & Elisha's for dinner and the kids played together while Edgey and Ryan worked on the bathroom, getting ready to set new tile.

Saturday I got up to go to work and put my contacts in..... They burned so bad my eyes were watering and I could hardly see to drive to work. I took my solutions with me just in case and it was a good thing, because I finally had to take them out. I kept thinking whatever it was that was making them burn would wash out with the tears. The bad part about not wearing my contacts is that I have to wear my glasses. I have worn glasses since I was 6 years old, so I now have horrible horrible lenses and they are like the pop bottle glasses that people make fun of.
I had to wear them all day at work. The bad part about the glasses, is that they are so heavy, they make me have a headache to wear them. I made it through Saturday with the glasses and my eyes still burning.

Sunday a.m. I woke up and they were still burning, so I called in sick. :(
I am sure my people were not happy because it was a horrible busy day on saturday and the same people were still there for Sunday. I stayed in bed with a cold pack on my eyes until 11:50 a.m. Then finally got up. Edgey called and wanted to know if I wanted to go out for lunch. NOOOO! I stayed home. He went out with Auntie and the kids and hung out at her house all afternoon watching the storm and the cooking channel. I listened to TBN and then watched a couple of episodes of "24" later in the evening. I didn't do anything except eat leftover fahitas and sit in the chair all day and be a bum. It was pathetic.

Edgey finally got home around the kids bedtime. He stayed at Aunties until the storm cleared up a bit, ran to Wallyworld then came home. I asked him to get a couple of things to make the soup for Elizabeth's birthday party tonight. We are going to have soup & sandwiches and ALL chocolate cake per her request. After he got home he was trying to pick a fight with me and act like it was my fault and I started it. We watched "Waterboy" and then went to bed.

This morning I got up and tried the contacts again. I kept them in for about an hour and took them out because they were just on the verge of starting to burn again. I suppose I am going to have to go to the eye doctor to see what is going on. :( I hate going to the eye doctor. I would rather go to the dentist and have a cavity filled than go to the eye doctor. So now I am running around in glasses trying to see and not get a headache.


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