Thursday, March 30, 2006


Wednesday seemed busy but I guess it was not in reality. The kids were all up late the night before because some husband let them stay up late with him. So - they all slept late. Elizabeth was up first and she was crabby and didn't want to do school. My children need routine or they don't do well.
I had planned on going out and about since it was supposed to be a nice day and arranged to meet at the good old McDonalds to get happy meals then we went to a park for about 2 hours and they played outside. They had gotten spy gear in the happy meals, so they played spy with some other kids that had the same brilliant idea and had gone to McD's too. Elizabeth was climbing in the trees. She is getting very tall. Her birthday is coming this next week and she just wants to have a family party and go to the teddy bear store. I am not sure what it is called, but we walked through one time and that is all she ever talks about for her birthday.
That is going to be her main present from us I guess. She wants the new Barbie movie too "Mermadia" and I heard from another mother of 4 girls that they watch it over and over and love it. I am not really that hip on Barbie. I wish they had some other doll that was more popular, but they really don't. And I figure Barbie is definitely better than those stupid Bratz dolls. When Elizabeth was smaller she wanted the Bratz dolls because her cousins had them, but she couldn't even say the name right. She called them Rats, which is what I still call them, at least in my mind.
She definitely does not need new least until summer, then we will see. She is getting so tall (gone through 2 sizes this fall/winter, but she is still a skinny minnie so the shorts are not going to be a problem. The waists will fit without having to worry about the length.
I have the urge to get all the spring stuff out now. I am bored with my winter clothes and the kids' winter clothes and want some color! I want flowers. I'm sure it will come soon enough.
After the park, we went home and they were all nasty from playing outside so they all took showers and I buzzed Jesse Boy's hair. He wanted me to shave it all off like daddy's but it is still a little bit chilly out, so I am waiting on that one.

Then we went to church. Service was awesome. B- preached and Pastor Larry had ministry time and had people pray for others. During worship time, we were singing that song "I'm Free" and I kept looking out at the congregation and thinking -they don't look free, they look dead... and I was just about to say something about how if we are the body of Christ, and each one of us is if we have accepted his gift of salvation, and if we are the body of Christ - HE has already died and been resurrected - His Body (us) was resurrected and is alive. How can we stand here and look and act dead if we are really Alive - if we are really free - if we as HIS body are resurrected from the dead.... then Edgey took off running around the sanctuary.
You know, the thing I love about my husband is we are so much one. Even though he is a little wild and crazy sometimes, he physically takes my thoughts.... and sometime actions are so much louder than any words. I was so thankful that he was FREE to run. I have seen Emma (a girl in our church) want to run and be held back. And although, there are times when it may be inappropriate and we need to have order, what kind of message is that saying to everyone else? What if some other kid or adult wants to run and that just gets squashed out of them because they want to conform to all the other christians around them? When we were at the inner city church, it was a weekly thing, the kids would ALL get in a line and dance and sort of run around the outer edge of the entire sanctuary. THAT is freedom. Even Ethan did it and he was only about 4 years old at the time. The bible says to come as a little child. We want people like Emma to grow-up, but mentally and emotionally she is like a little child and she just wants to do what is in her to do - what her spirit is telling her to do and wants to do. How many times do we hold off because we are worried about what other people think? We have to lead by example. It may not be our nature - we have a fallen nature (natural body), but it IS our spirit. Let it be acceptable in our church to feel freedom to do what needs to be done. Let's not raise our eyebrows and stand off like the Pharisees and Sadducees and think we are "better" than that. In the WORLD's eyes it is odd. If we are worldly, it is odd, but when we have the spirit of Christ we should be all bubbled up inside and ready to run and shout and encourage the forerunners and stand behind them and run with them - not just stand back and look and watch. Just like a boxing match or a football or basketball game: Who do you really want to win? Who are we cheering for? Who's side are we on? Jesus is not the underdog - He is the champion. He is already victorious.

Anyway, after worship was over - I got my answer why everyone looked dead. B- preached it. We are dead when we carry all our dead weight baggage and worry and suffering and sickness and don't give it to God. Jesus bore it. He already did it. And we just have to step into agreement and walk in it. Church just better be hopping next week!
The whole thing reminded me of a song I used to listen to all the's one of those songs you just want to turn up loud in the car and open the sunroof or put the top down and drive fast....
Once upon a time, I was searchin' for
Love that would break thru chains of mine
i was broken, hurt and abandoned,
By a life not quite what I had in mind

Then I fell down on my knees and
Prayed release me from this pain,
Take away these clouds and
let the sun shine down again
all at once I felt the ceasing of
the pouring rain
a blaze of light shot thru my soul and tore away my chains

and now I'm free, free at last,
free to live the life I want, forget about the past,
I am free, I'm free at last,
free to hope, free to dream, free to love at last.

But ever since my independence day I've been released
from things that used to hold me back from finding perfect
Walls I'd built around my life have crumbled around me
my old life has passed away I'm keeping it deceased

and now I'm free, free at last,
free to live the life I want, forget about the past,
I am free, I'm free at last,
free to hope, free to dream, free to love at last.

By the way B- did an awesome job. I want to be just like her when I grow up. :)


Blogger Brenda said...

Oh Kim, thank you for what you wrote. Its scarry up there and seeing your face when I would look around and see you smiling at me was an encouragment. God is using you to bring things in to my life that you cannot imagine.
Thanks for being my friend.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Brenda said...

I almost forgot to tell you that I would love to hear that song. You and I would be dangerous together in a convertible because the whole putting the top down and driving fast thing sounds great.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

we would probably be like Thelma & Louise.... : ) Whoohoo!

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that song and have actually been trying to findout who sings it and the proper name of the song. If you know please email me at It would be greatly appreciated!
Cody P

11:21 PM  

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