Friday, March 31, 2006

Tree Monkey

Here is Elizabeth climbing a tree at the park on Wed. They really do have some good climbing trees. Jesse was up in them too. I just didn't get any pictures of him. I just pray the guardian angels are staying right behind them. :)

Yesterday was my free day, sort of. I had some errands to run as usual. My grandpa came to the house and picked up Elizabeth to take her out to lunch for her birthday present. She wanted to go to the place with the waterfall.... so that is where she got to go (Crystal Tree - across from airport). It is really beautiful. When I was little, he took me there once in a while. Either there or some type of steakhouse or Italian restaurant - I am trying to remember some of the names; Fatino's and Warren's Steakhouse (niether one is there anymore), red lobster. In fact I was spoiled and every weekend my grandpa would take my grandma out to dinner. Most of the time, I went along. They picked me up almost every weekend unless there were other plans. He lived on a farm. I loved it out there and that is where I chose to spend most of my time.... exploring in the pasture and by the creek and going fishing in my grandpa's pond, riding his horses, chasing the sheep, playing tag off the ground by jumping from building to building, shed to fence, etc... It was a lot of fun. When we got older, he bought us mopeds and we would ride them through the pasture. I miss days like that. Now we just take nature walks at the parks and along the river. I miss kittens and lambs and riding horses.... Maybe we better look for a farmhouse & acreage instead of a house in Adel.

After Elizabeth left, I took the boys to my mom's house and went to do errands. I am looking for a special calendar and can't find one anywhere. I went to 1/2 price books and Borders to start with. Nobody carries calendars cause it is not the time of year. The one I want is a special hebrew calendar - mainly for the pictures, but it gives the dates of the feasts too.
Then I went to Aldi's to get a few things, then to the Goodwill to look around. I found a really neat picture for my mom and bought that and some camouflage pants for Jesse. His other ones are too small and he was bumming because I had to put them in the get rid of pile. Then on to Sam's club and to my mom's to drop off the stuff I got for her, then home. The kids were in bed when I got home. Edgey picked on me for a while and we watched "The Prince and Me 2". I am not going to let Elizabeth watch it. She was begging me to watch it. It is just too "old" for her right now.

After that we went to bed and talked for a while. He wanted to know if I had been writing about him on my blog. Who me??? : ) I just told him I talked about him running around in the church. He just looked at me.... so I had to explain the whole thing and that got me to thinking about the subject again.


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