Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Snow, Snow, Snow

Snow, snow, snow...... At least it is melting. Ethan went out and shoveled the walks yesterday, but he probably didn't even need to. It has pretty much melted already except on the grass. It did look very pretty yesterday. It was sticking to all the bushes and branches in the trees and piled on the swing set bars and I almost took a picture of it. It was almost like the perfect picture. I kept watching for our male Cardinal to contrast.....then the dumb dog had to go run around in it and mess it all up. Oh well. She was out there standing in the snow in the sunshine and just barking for no good reason. I was watching to see what she was barking at. NOTHING. No people walking by, no dogs next door, no squirrels, no birds, NADA. Just barking to hear herself bark. I opened the window for 2 seconds and yelled at her to "SHUT UP!" She is the only person in our family who we are allowed to yell "shut up" at. Otherwise it is kind of a naughty word. That's all she understands though, thanks to her prior owners.

I am soooooo ready for sunshine. The kids keep asking when we get to start going to the park to play and eat. During the summertime the parks & rec and public schools have a lunch program where the kids can have free lunches. I love it. My hard earned tax dollars at work. I figure I should be able to take advantage of this. I have friends that have a hard time going there because they think it is for more disadvantaged children who don't have 3 meals a day and they shouldn't take away from that. Not me man. Besides my children are disadvantaged; they are homeschooled. They don't have the privilege of eating school lunches during the regular school year or having the same socialization as the thousands of other rotten attitude little kids that run in packs.... Note to self: Let's don't go there today.

I have a much better attitude today. Can't you tell? : )

I had class last night and that was great. We are on the last 2 weeks of classes already. Time flies. We had communion and the instructor anointed each of us with oil. It really was awesome. The only thing was that everyone was real emotional and teary and I kept wondering if I wasn't thankful enough, or repentant enough. I kept searching my heart and self. Then I thought maybe I am just done with the hormonal thing now, and have no emotions left..... but that wasn't the case either, cause later when the classes were over and we had our chapel time I was really touched by the speaker. It was a black sister that was taking the classes. I guess I just really miss the black church sometimes. There is just so much passion there.... This gal was talking about some of the stuff she went through and got to preachin' and even got the sing-songy thing going (without the backup organ).

My kids are wanting to go outside and play in the snow now. They didn't want to yesterday. I was going to do school with them, but I guess it's alright because hopefully this will be the last snow for the season! I wan't it to melt ASAP.


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