Monday, March 27, 2006

Good Morning! I was very tired last night and went to bed by 9:30 p.m. and then woke up at 4 a.m. tossing and turning and couldn't go back to sleep. At one point I remember dreaming about work and was taking care of some psycho girl and her mother and she ran off with the baby and it wasn't time to leave yet. I put the baby back into the special crib and some other patient came up to talk to me and the psycho chick took off with the baby again. The thing that made me mad was that I was trying to remember how to call the code pink (missing baby) and the operator wouldn't answer and the phone buttons were sticking on the phone like somebody spilled pop on it. Finally the charge person came and called for me. Then I woke up. Sometimes I just hate dreams. What does that one mean? Do I feel incompetent? or am I just playing out frustrations from psycho patients? I don't know.
Anyway, I decided to just get up after that and get something productive laundry. You should see it from the weekend. AAARRGGHH!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I worked Saturday but got call on Sunday. Saturday night I was getting ready to leave work and put my coat on the chair. I turned around to do something and ran smack, dab into the ultrasound table which was metal. I have a HUGE bruise on my leg and it swelled up so it looked and felt like someone had cut a Johnsonville Brat lengthwise, in half and slid it under the skin on my thigh. It hurt to even move, because the cloth from the scrubs was making it hurt and especially when I changed into my jeans. OWWWW. I went home and took my Aleve and went to bed. I was very glad to stay home, cause it hurt to walk on Sunday.
I met the family for Chinese buffet at Sunday lunch and Edgey was being loving and touched my leg and I about choked on my food. It's just in a really bad place. My mom's dog jumped up and nailed it a couple of times too. Ok. Enough whining.

My mother has gotten me hooked on a TV series now called "24". I rented the season DVD's from the video store. By the way, we spend $14.99/month on videos and have the special MVP thing at hollywood video store. You can check out 3 at a time as often as you want to for the monthly price. The only catch is that they can't be the brand spankin' new videos. They have to have the special stickers on them or older ones. Eventually the brand new ones get the stickers.... so we just wait. When we first started doing it, it was only $9.99/month. Now it has gone up, but it is still worth it because you just rent even 3 videos and you're up to at least $12 just for that one time.

Yesterday I spent a few hours watching the series. It really is pretty interesting, but I like CSI, Without a Trace, and stuff like that anyway. You definitely have to be able to watch people get shot. I guess I have been desensitized now. You can laugh if you want, but at one point in my life, I was going to be a polk county deputy sheriff. I had taken the written exam and was practicing the physical exam, but I didn't pass the eye test. Didn't realize you had to have a certain eyesight uncorrected. BUMMER! If I had only known about the lazer eye surgery back then.
I still wear contacts though. I think I might be a chicken to go have my eyes sliced up into pie shapes by a lazer. But I keep thinking about it.

Enough for now. I need to go eat something for breakfast and have a coffee. I'm sure the kids will be up soon and I need to get school stuff ready for this week.


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