Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Today has been a bit busy. I got up early and did laundry and then was sitting on my bed deciding whether or not to lay down until the kids got up, when my Supervising teacher (for homeschool) called and was coming into town today for errands. We had been having a hard time getting together so she decided to come over today. So I came down to make sure everything was in order and vaccuumed the floor well because she has asthma and allergy problems and I didn't want her to be bothered by dog hair. The dog hair has just been sticking to everything lately. She must be shedding some of her winter coat. Yuck.

Then the little kids got up and wanted breakfast. There was nothing in the house cause I needed to go to the store. So today I made some yogurt/milk/juice smoothies in the blender. They loved them. It was berry yogurt with milk and grape juice and a little splenda. I have a new morning breakfast hit now. At least it is good for them. They are always wanting sugar cereal and we have been out for a while now. I am trying real hard not to buy it. Sometimes the whining is overpowering though.

Then my supervising teacher came over. She went through everything with the kids and they shared all the stuff they are doing and read to her, etc... She is a lot of fun and I love her as a friend. It was totally a God thing that I even found her. So when they finally were done showing off, we chatted for another hour or so.

After that, my dad called and wanted Ethan to come help him clean up around his house/yard. I loaded up the kids and took them over there. Then I took mom and the little kids and ran some errand; Took cans and bottles for redemption, Wallyworld run, and bread store run. Then took mom home and came home to rest. I feel like taking a nap but my mind is busy so I figured I would write for the day and get that over with.

I have my class tonight. Last one for the term. Tonight we are having a special music ministry so I am looking completely forward to that. I hope I am not tired during class time and start falling asleep.


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