Thursday, March 23, 2006


I missed church last night. I was really bummed out!!!!!!! Dumb van. It just hit 100,000 miles. Just got it out of the shop on Friday and spent $1700 on it.

Tuesday night, on the way to my class, I heard a thump, thump, whack sound while I was praying in the Holy Ghost. It lasted for about 3 seconds and then quit. I thought it was just a chunk of ice or something flopping around somewhere on the van and then flew off. Didn't hear it again until last night on the way to church. We were on the east side of I-35 and it started going thump thump thump and didn't quit. Edgey had me pull over and took a look at the motor. The serpentine belt was shredded and it was thwacking stuff when it turned. Thank God it happened where it did. We just drove over to the Dodge dealer 1/2 block down across from Menards and the guy looked at it. He cut the flappy piece off and said we needed to get a new belt and new pulley because a new belt would shred too due to the pulley in an inappropriate position on the motor. So Edgey didn't want to chance it and we drove home. We even had an Tristan with us cause he was on spring break and bored and wanted to go to church.
We came back home and I made a big supper and Tristan ate with us. I made pork chops with some garlic/butter noodles and veggies. Tristan ate a bunch. I was surprised. He probably had as much as Edgey. After supper, we sent him home and made the kids get ready for bed and put them to bed early. We started to watch some movie called "Supernova." Typical volcano, earthquake, meteor type movie. I'm sure you know what I mean. Edgey didn't finish it. He fell asleep in the chair and went to bed. I had to tell him what happened before he went to work this a.m.

I woke up early this morning and have been working on my exam for my class. It is an open book exam and a lot of the answers I know in my heart but it takes a long time to look everything up and give exact scripture references and details and stuff. Stuff I have never heard of too.... eg Palestinian covenant (Deut 30). I have heard of Abrahamic & Mosaic, Davidic and New Covenants but not that one. It's keeping me challenged. I am so thankful for the foundational teaching I have already received since I became a christian. We have a good pastor.

Oh and speaking of pastor..... who tattled on me about my hormones? Or is he really reading my blog even if he says he isn't? He sent me some video (here's a link to it) that I wish I could figure out how to put on here because it is absolutely hilarious and goes right along with my hormones blog from a couple of days ago.


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