Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Weekend

I haven't written since last thursday. I have had a busy weekend. Friday night we had a children's church meeting. I had a good time- I'm sure Edgey did. He really didn't want to go because he was having a bad day, so when we got there he was being his naughty, normal self and picking on me the whole time. We had a brainstorming session to come up with our own curriculum for the children's church for the next month. I thought it was fun... but I like doing that kind of thing. That's what I do for homeschooling stuff alot. Pick a subject, find games or activities, verse to go with it, main concept, etc... voila! a unit study. Anyway, I could do that kind of stuff all day too. That's fun to me. Pathetic huh?

Saturday, I got another call in the a.m 0500 and they wanted to know if I would stay home because one of the other gals really wanted to work. I was fine with that, but I had a feeling I would get called in. OOOPS. I fell back asleep. At 6:50 a.m. they called and said they were sorry but they needed me already. Normally I would have gotten up and gotten ready already, but I had to rush around and shower and stuff because I fell back asleep. Oh well. I still made it on time. I hate rushing though. It was a fairly decent slow day and I ended up getting to leave early because I sent all of my patients home. I went home and watched a really gross movie. I can't even tell you what it was because I can't remember the name of it. Something about the mind. It was a cross between CSI and some horror flick. Won't be watching that one again. I told Edgey not to even attempt it, because he is really a big chicken and hates anything that jumps out at you. It's kind of funny actually.

Sunday, I had to work again, only today, it was horribly busy for me. I had 3 patients that all had psycho problems or their families were nutso. I kept shaking my head and running around. One was fine but when she was on the phone with her boyfriend she was really demanding and ordering and threatening stuff. I wanted to send her away and finally got my wish. She was already delivered and got to go to the postpartum floor. yeah! The second gal was ticked off because she was requesting pain meds and the Dr. wouldn't give them to her so she ripped out her IV got dressed and left AMA (against medical advise). I told the Dr. and he said "Perfect!" and he meant it. By the way that is y'all's favorite dr. You know who you are......
My 3rd pt was very sweet herself, but her family was wacko. The mother had anxiety attacks and was having a claustrophobic fit because the room her daughter was getting put in was too small. The pt hadn't even got there yet. That's when I started shaking my head.... I have to keep saying to myself, "Try to be nice, try to be nice." Shut up and pedal! as Edgey would say.
The mother finally went home to take a shower. She hadn't had one for 3 stinkin' days. Hello, did I say stinkin?
So finally the shift is over. I am done for another week. PTL. Today I kept thinking, I hope gas prices keep going up. Is that awful or what? I don't want to pay more for gas. I just want to sell pills so I can stay home till Jesus comes back.


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