Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Testing, Testing

Since yesterday was so boring, today was not. Today was like one of those days that was just a testing day. Everything that happened was like a character/obedience test from God. Edgey had to get up a 4:15 a.m. to take his Auntie to the airport. She was going to California to visit friends and go to a special conference at her old church. She will come back all on fire.

We get to babysit her large chihuahua, Penny. Penny and Amie (our dog) do NOT get along so they have to be separated at all times. When Auntie was living with us we tried to make them get along but no way did that happen. Auntie bought muzzles to put on them both and tried to introduce them in the yard and they were all over each other spitting and growling and slobber flying trying to rip each others throat out. Thank heavens for the muzzles. So we gave up. They have their turns as queen of the house till Auntie comes home next Monday.

Being that Edgey got up so early, and could not come back home and take a nap before going to work (drank too much coffee), he decided today was the day he would stay home from work and wreak havoc on my daily routine. I had to type up estimates for his side jobs and while I was still asleep in the wee hours of the morning, he made an appointment for my minivan to visit the minivan doctor. He didn't even ask me if I had plans today. So no McDonald's happy meals today and I was supposed to go pick up my house-imprisoned friend and rescue her from going insane with her children. Her car is dead. Thankfully we have Auntie's car or I would be stuck here in the house for the next 2 days. Hopefully they will have it done tomorrow.
The transmission in the van was going out and has been for a while. Most of the time I just try to drive forward at all times. Once in a while I have to back up and it will go into reverse but it slams into reverse and sounds absolutely horrible. It will not back up if it cold and hasn't warmed up. All winter I had to back it into a parking spot after I had driven it a ways and it warmed up a bit. It is a problem in that van for that year. The guy knew exactly what the problem was when we asked them about fixing it. So....$1500 later and hopefully not more than that.... Wish we had known back when we got it. Oh well. It has been a good van and I am not complaining.

Besides all of that, Edgey also wanted to go out for lunch. We ended up going to Ryan's steakhouse for their mega-bar. The lady at the register charged us wrong. When we figured it out, we were trying to decide how christian we were going to be.... you know stuff like Thou shalt not lie, Thou shalt not steal, integrity, character, $$$$, good example to our children, $$$ ... those kinds of things were running through our minds. Edgey went back up for a plate of food and Ethan says, "We should tell them so they can fix it, mom." Well, of course he is right. I say, "Well, go tell your dad that." So anyway he comes back from fixing his plate and he asks me "What did you say to him?" frowning and trying to blame ME for making HIM feel guilty or something. The waiter dude comes over to the table and we showed him what happened and I was getting my money out so we could pay more and the guy just looked at it and started to walk up to the register then he turned back around and he said, "It's ok." shaking his head like it's no big deal, "You can pay right price next time you come." Whoohoo! was going through my mind. Favor. Edgey says, "That's what I'm talkin' about."

Then we went to Sam's Club. We were buying King James Versions of the Bible for Ethan and Edgey. That's a post in itself but I will expound at some point soon because I feel it is a life and death issue for our church and because the Holy Spirit practically made me puke when I was asking God about it in prayer (see previous post). I shouldn't feel embarrassed, and I know I shouldn't, but tell me why, in the middle of Sam's Club would we tell our children to shush when they are all 3 whining for a KJV bible. I should've been thrilled. Jesse was stomping his foot because he wanted his own and Elizabeth was frowning and folding her arms across her chest too. Can you imagine this sight in the store? 3 kids whining for a bible. It's one thing for a candy bar or something but for bibles?

After that we drove to the window store to finish getting papers for Edgey's side job and went home where I had a 1/2 hr nap. Then it was off to church service. During part of the worship service, I felt like I was supposed to share something but I couldn't remember the verse and I needed the verse to share it.... there was no bible up there... not that it would have made any difference because I couldn't remember where it was anyway. So by the time Pastor was saying the blessing over us as we were getting ready to leave.... the Holy Spirit finally told me where it was. Stink. So I guess I'll share it now.

Pastor was talking about how much God loves us. This morning I was showing Edgey some of the things I am learning in my class. There were some verses about how much God loves us.
Here is the verse I was trying to remember:

Psalm 139: 17-18 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how
great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

The thing that made me think of this was the illustration the instructor had given. Her husband is a mathematician. She asked him to figure out how much sand was in a square cubit. Anyway, he figured by how big the pieces of sand were and the cubit was that it was approximately 2 billion grains of sand in just one square cubit. Too much for my little brain to figure. So what the psalmist was saying was that God's thoughts towards us are vastly more than even 2 billion times. Just think of how much sand there is on beaches. This is just 1 little cubit. God is totally obsessed with us. Is that amazing or what? It just went along with God's immeasurable love for us. He knew us even before we were born, knows how many hairs are on our heads, has us engraved on his hand. God loves us.


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