Friday, February 24, 2006

Presence of God

How do you know you are in the presence of God? I have talked to people that say they knew because they would see a mist of Glory where the presence of God was, or that they had a burning sensation, or they would just shake. I guess I have never seen anything specific, but I have never really sought after a visual. I suppose I could ask, but do I really want to see God? I think it would totally freak me out. I have asked to see things through the eyes of the spirit, but then I think ... Do I really want to see evil demons standing over people or staring at me? Now angels would be cool. So far, I haven't seen anything. I'm sure God knows what he is doing there.
I have one friend that had an experience where she smelled God. She said it was the smell of frankincense. She was at a Benny Hinn conference at the time. She had been praying to be able to smell God the whole drive to the conference. She was in awe that God would reveal himself to her in that conference... Benny Hinn stopped in the middle of the service and asked the congregation if they could smell it.
I know others who have been baptized in water and come out of the water and they smelled a frankincense and myrrh smell. I have not had that experience either.

My experience with the presence of God is more like someone has punched me in the gut and I feel like I am going to puke. Not like a sick feeling, but that churning in your stomach like someone is squeezing it. Does that sound gross? Rarely is it a overwhelming sensation but it is there... When I pray or during worship sometimes (sad it's not all the time-just being honest), sometimes when I hear new revelation, etc... When it has been overwhelming God was really working on me. It's weird that most of the time it is when I have been at a special conference or listening to a special speaker. I suppose that is because when you go to those things, you are expecting impartation or just something to happen that is not normal...Something new.
The strongest I have ever felt it was at a weekend women's leadership conference in Dallas. We were in the word for 4 days straight and on the last day, TD Jakes was there speaking. Man, as soon as he walked on the platform, the anointing was so unbelievably strong, I didn't want to move. I didn't want it to stop either. My spirit was jumping though. I am not saying it is because of TD Jakes - but I think it was because we were in expectation. Why can't we be that way all of the time?

Anyway, my point with all this is to say... for the first time since that conference and that was years ago, Wed night service, it was strong again. A little bit during worship.... but as soon as pastor started preaching the word and said Holy Ghost - it was that SLAM- punch in the stomach. Edgey was looking at me and asking, "What's wrong?" Am I surprised? Yes and No. I guess because it has been such a long time since I have felt the presence that strongly and no because I was expecting something. But why now?
People, let me tell you, God must be getting ready to do something in our midst, because this feeling has not gone away ALL week. Not as strong at times, but my spirit is jumping.

Be expecting....

p.s. I got my cheeseburger. : )


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