Sunday, March 05, 2006

Well, here I am at work. Just got done with the end of my shift. It is kind of cool that one of my patient's husband is someone I worked with on the heart floor (I worked in cardiac telemetry prior to this) so we got caught up on all the what for's on the floor gossip or whatever you want to call it. I was very tired this morning at 5 and hit the snooze until 5:30. I am glad I worked this weekend though, or I would have zippo zero for a paycheck and that's no fun.
I did get to read blogs yesterday when we had a slow spell. So I have been thinking about "The Great Transition". I suppose other non Christians would call this period of time a midlife crisis. When you reflect on your life and where you are now and where you want to go. Many times this is a time of regret and that is when you start acting crazy, doing things you never got to do, finding different spouses, leaving your kids to live a single selfish type of life, buying expensive sports cars or a motorcycle, etc... The thing that's great about B's hearfelt talk is that there is no regret. None. She is looking forward to good things and new options and anticipating what God has in store for her. That is what is awesome and comforting.

I had a good time at our dinner on Friday night. It was PT and Vicki, Warren & Connie, and Me & Edgey. Parkers couldn't come because of her Dad. Bummer. I prayed for peace to wrap her up this a.m. on the way to work.... Anyway, we had a great dinner and interesting discussion about our lives and then about some end times signs. God has really been throwing things my way regarding end times stuff. Some in my bible class, some emails, some internet stuff that I have found on my own and then even at dinner. It's interesting but some of it can really be freaky if I think about it too much. We talked about the European Union and gold, the euro Islam, superchips and the mark of the beast. All sorts of stuff.
I asked one of the girls here at work if she had ever heard of the mark of the beast and she had no idea what I was talking about. We had been discussing the rising prices of gas. China has had a huge consumer market for cars and the chinese people have been buying a lot of cars. They have no gas of thier own so now they are driving up the cost of oil because they are buying from the same places we do. Gas is going to go up a lot more because the cars are being manufactured like dust bunnies multiply. If people are not informed, it is going to be way too easy to be sucked into enemy plans and hands. I will try to share some more tomorrow.


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