Monday, February 27, 2006

If the world didn't suck, we'd fall off....

We had a good weekend. Saturday was nice and relaxing. Aunti came and got the kids around 3 p.m. and we left to go to Wellspring so Curt could get a book and then out to the church for worship practice and a meeting after that. I was thinking it was going to be a big deal about the direction of the church.... It wasn't. Praise God for leadership accountability and covering.
After that, we went and picked up the kids from Aunti's and took them home. Went to bed early.
Sunday was family Sunday at church so all the kids were in the sanctuary with the adults. Pastor preached on mercy, love, grace and faith. We went to lunch with the Ayers at our favorite Chinese Buffet. It was fun. I don't get to fellowship often because of working weekends all of the time. When we got home, Babus and Shannon came over to hang out. They are doing well and looked really great. I almost cried because you can see what God is doing with them and after sooooo much had happened you could hear Edgey's words coming out of Babus' own mouth. It was good for me because we had poured a lot into their lives whether they thought so or not.
When we were at Teen Challenge, it was that way a lot. We pour ourselves into these students and fellowship and mentor and give.... then they would give up and leave or do something dumb and get kicked out and you never would know what ever happened to them. Edgey always said, "If they call you, you know they are doing good and if they don't, they aren't." Darkness wants nothing to do with light.
One of the worst ones for me was the guy that Edgey hung out with when we were getting married and a while afterwards.... Eric - he had a calling on his life to preach. He went his own way and living with some girl and doing drugs and ended up dead after diving into some lake off a dock and broke his neck. Even the guy that sang at our wedding.... he had been a christian for years (ALWAYS went to church and never stopped going) and clean and then turned around and left his family for some girl, had another kid, dealing drugs in some other state. The worst one for Edgey was a guy that we hung out with, went to Omaha several times to pick up his wife and kid and even recommended him to stay at the bible camp (where we had worked) to help out the new manager there. He ended up stealing the managers car, computer and who knows what to sell and get money to get meth down on 6th avenue. Edgey was devastated. He said the worst phone call he ever had to make was to that guys mother....telling her he left TC and was into drugs again -don't send him any money. He said the tone in her voice he would never forget-disgust, hurt, crushed. NO one is exempt from the temptation of sin. I think it's worse when there are addictive behaviors involved.
Enough depressing stuff. Why am I thinking about this anyway?

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

I decided to check out all the buzz about the blogs, kind of fun. Anyway, just an apology that I probably got you thinking about all the stuff with the discussion of my brother, not exactly fun and light lunch conversation on your day off...I am not usually a downer!

Anyway, have a great day! I am working in Al's office today while he is with his mom waiting for his dad to recover from surgery. All is going well so hopefully we will see Al tonight. It is a slow day in here so I am cleaning and rearranging his stuff, I am sure he will not be able to find anything for a week since I am putting things in a logical order :)


12:04 PM  

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