Friday, March 03, 2006

My mom did watch the kids yesterday afternoon so I got some errands done. I went to the bread store and Wallyworld. I really like the Sara Lee delightful bread and bagels. They are low carb and low points (WW). I am not really on a diet per say, but I am just trying to eat better and healthier. My main thing, I guess, is just trying to stick with stuff that God made.... real butter, real cream, eggs, milk, cheese, lots of fruit and veggies, meat, grains and grain cereals and a little whole wheat light bread, bagels once in a while (the kids eat them so fast anyway, I hardly get them), and low carb whole wheat tortillas. That's pretty much my diet. I have lost 12 pounds so far - thats 48 sticks of slimy butter.
Now yesterday, however, I was really craving a fish sandwich. They are all on sale everywhere because of lent. I went to McDonalds because it was close to our house. I got my fish sandwich but all I could smell were french fries the entire time I was waiting in the drive through. So what do I order when I get up to the speaker? A fish sandwich AND french fries and water. Those french fries tasted soooooooooooooo good. I haven't had any forever. But then, you know what, I felt like crap the rest of the evening. I had a horrible headache and my wonder drug aleve could not fix it. I was miserable. So that's my punishment for putting junk into the temple.
It's just like with our minds. If we fix our minds on pure things, our spirit is happy. But when we see unholy, new age, humanistic thinking, murder, child abuse, hypocrisy, etc.... it makes our spirits cringe. Some kind of internal warning lights go off.
Last night we finally watched "The Gospel" movie. I liked the story line- pride to humility, lost is found, but it was a lower budget type film. I did like it though. The music was awesome of course... how could it not be with Fred Hammond, Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, etc... working on it. Wow. Anyway it was a 2 thumbs up.
Tonight we are going to get together with PT and Edgey's men's small group-Parkers, Poldbergs.... The wives actually get to go this time. I am supposed to bring dessert and I am waiting until the last minute to make the (low carb) brownies so I won't be tormented by the smell in my house all afternoon. The kids will be begging me for them too. It should be a fun time of fellowship.
Tomorrow it's back to work again. I wish there was some other way to make the money I make and be able to stay home all of the time. It is so nice to be able to go to church on Sundays and worship practice on Sat and hang out with my husband once in a while. If I have time this weekend I will post.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Blessings on your head!


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