Saturday, February 25, 2006

got crabs?

Friday was a good day. I woke up early and we got school done early with no hassles. My nieces were going to be at my mom's all day today so Mom had asked if my kids could come over to play with them. Like I'm gonna turn that down? I don't think so. I ran errands and got some things done. Dropped some things off at my mom's house for her. Then watched Oprah for about a 45 minutes.
Edgey and I went on a date. We were hoping to meet with friends but it was a no go. We had a nice dinner though. We had never been to Joe's Crab Shack at Jordan Creek and we had a coupon so we went. For those who have never been there we thought it was awesome. It was a bit noisy but very relaxed and open. Hilarious because for birthdays they make the birthday person do something totally embarassing. I'd like to see pastor or Larry have to run around on a stick horse with a cowboy hat shouting yeehaw! while everyone sings happy birthday to him. It would just be soooo Not them. It was very funny.... that's what they made this poor older couple do. They were probably in their 60's. The table next to me had to hula hoop while everyone sang happy birthday and another guy had to stand on a chair with a hawaiian hula skirt and some helmet or something and sing happy birthday to himself like it was american idol. It would be a trip to work there. The waiters and waitresses had to stop once in a while and go dance in the middle of the room, do the macarena and whatever. Food was great if you like seafood. Two thumbs up!
This morning we were up early and Edgey was getting ready to go to the men's group out at the church when his dad called and ended up talking to him for an hour... by that time it was too late to go so he just stayed home and we had coffee and hung out with the kids. Elizabeth was driving me nuts to write something on her blog so I did that for her and Ethan wrote on his for once.
I don't think we are doing too much today. Sometimes it's nice to just stay home and relax. Edgey wanted to go visit with Aunti and I have worship practice this afternoon and then a meeting at church tonight.
Time for another cup of coffee.....


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