Monday, March 06, 2006

Mark of the Beast

This is a very interesting topic for me and one that also makes me sort of freak out too because it hits so close to home right now.

Rev 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

This is from the KJV. Most other versions say on the hand and on the foreheads so people believe the mark will be like a tattoo or some barcode to be read. KJV says IN. Also Mark is charagma; from Greek charax meaning to stake down into or "stick into" or etch into such as a badge of servitude.

Digital Angel.... doesn't that sound sweet? Digital Angel has developed a syringe-injected microchip implant called the Verichip which is slightly larger than a single grain of rice. It is encased in glass so it can be implanted under the skin. At first it was used for animals but is now being used in humans... right now. Some club in Spain is using it for their VIP customers. It is a new method of payment for the "beautiful men and women" so they could just zip past a reader that recognizes them and a credit balance and even automatically opens the doors for them to exclusive areas in the club. Don't you want one too? It is SO the in thing. It's just like getting a belly button ring or a tattoo. How cool! All they have to do to buy drinks is just wave their hand and you don't even have to carry a credit card or wallet. The CEO of VeriChip said that the company's goal is to market the system as a global implantable identification system.

Oh, and for you gun owners and lovers, the plans are to make firearms that will only work under the control of implantable chips. Only the owner of the gun would be able to fire the gun because a scanner in the gun would be able to recognize the owner. Cars are already being programmed to recognize owners.

So why is this close to home for me? Well, I work in the healthcare system. There are plans to be putting these chips into patients to help them be recognized and their diagnoses and allergies and whatever recognized if something should happen to them. For example: car accident, person is found, no ID available, rushed to hospital, ER scans person and immediately knows who person is, type of insurance or no insurance, allergies to medications, history of illnesses, etc, etc...
That seems a ways off.... not really. I am on a committee right now that will be implementing scanners to scan pt ID bands to match the patients with their medications all to prevent medication errors. This sounds great, but the implications here are astounding to me. Here come the scanners all ready to go. Supposedly the ID bands are going to have bar codes but what if they are the RFID chips that the world plans on implementing.... which at some point will be a simple transition to the implanted verichips in the pt hand or even on their forehead. Still sounds sci-fi. I'm not so sure anymore.

The thing that is difficult with this is that it will seem like such a great idea that basically everyone will want to go with it. Unfortunately we may be easily forced into having to take the chips one way or another. Never!!! you say. Right?
If you want your baby to be immunized, you will have to have one in the baby or your insurance will not cover it, and besides that, the immunization record is on that chip anyway along with the baby's national identification number. You have to have one to be able to drive. Toll roads already have scanners built in that read a card as you drive by. What if there are road blocks set up and you don't have a chip? You will be stopped and arrested because you don't have a license to drive. Didn't get one because you didn't want the chip.
Don't want Big Brother watching you? Too late. They are already putting the RFID chips on tags that will be mass produced to put on all sorts of things that now have bar codes. This is so people will be able to track them to their destinations. Cars, license plates, lipstick tubes, airplanes. Satellite tracks truckers to make sure they only go their allotted amount of time, keep track of airline flight patterns - who knows when a terrorist will get hold of another airplane and my favorite. Walmart allowed lipsticks to be tracked through the store to see where they went and who knows how far they were watched.
Think I am joking? visit here...

or if you want to see what it looks like, visit here...


Blogger marysto said...

That stuff freaks me right out.

I'm sure hoping for a pre-trib rapture.

But I think I'll dig a bunker just in case.

8:15 PM  

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