Thursday, March 02, 2006

Praise God! somebody took that stroller! It was still sitting out there yesterday, but this morning it is gone.
Today I am thinking about spring. It's March now. It is windy and a draft is coming through the house so I am sitting by my little space heater ( I am such a wimp anymore when it comes to cold) and having a cup of coffee and typing. I am wishing I could go plant flowers in my little wheelbarrow in the front. I am wishing for flowers because everything looks so dreary this morning. I heard the birds singing yesterday... there were 3 robins out in the back yard.

I am not keeping up on my laundry very well this week. I try to do at least one load in the a.m. as soon as I wake up and one at night right before I go to bed. My dryer has not been drying very well. I am not sure what's going on with it and the handyman hasn't offered to look at it yet. I have to keep running the clothes through almost 2 dryer cycles. So then during the day I forget to check/switch loads because it is not my normal routine. Now I have 2 whole baskets (that's normal) plus another pile on the floor.... yuck. It won't seem to go away. I have to remember to go check on it soon.

I am not sure if I will get my free day today or not either. My Aunt from California (land of fruits, nuts and flakes = Edgey calls it the granola state-he should know- that is where he was born, there's yer sign) is here visiting my Grandpa for his birthday and I haven't heard any solid plans for the day yet. Sometimes they have a big family dinner/reunion and sometimes she just goes out with different family members to see everybody. No one has called me to tell me what is going on.

Yesterday I was doing homework all day. I started taking a class and it is called "Let's Weigh the Evidence". It is a great study of the word. It compares the different versions of the bible. It is kind of shocking actually. I will share more later when I have more to share. Edgey was really getting defensive because ever since he was saved he has used NIV and I have always used KJV except I have started to read from NLT a lot. When I was a kid I had a living bible. Come to find out- the living bible is just a paraphrase and that means that it is just some guys own interpretation of what he thinks the bible means and he was writing it for his own children to be able to read it easier. So it is not God's word - it is man's word. By the way it was revised again and now it is called "The Book".
Rev 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of
the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

There are actual cuss words in that version. I was pretty much ready to throw it away. So anyway, what happens to the guy? Time magazine July 24, 1972 "Mysteriously half way through the paraphrase Taylor lost his voice and still speaks in a hoarse whisper. A psychiatrist who examined him suggested that the voice failure was Taylor's psychological selfpunishment for tampering with what he believed to be the Word of God."


Anyway - the class is interesting so far.

Have a blessed day!


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