Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Elizabeth tried to get her schoolwork done much more quickly today. She wanted me to type on her blog for her. I added the link for her on the sidebar. I told her she had to have school done before I would type on it. She piddled around for a little bit but then picked up the pace.

I stayed up late on a cleaning spree last night. Sometimes I get these urges to clean and purge. I suppose it's like that hormonal nesting thing cause it usually happens once a month.
I went through a bunch of homeschool stuff and cleaned it out. A lot of it is preschool stuff and I am going to be glad to get rid of it. We are past that now. Yeah!!! I had a lot of things for the kids to do while I was doing school with Ethan. They wanted to "do school" too so I had special "school" things set aside for them. I'm not sure whether to sell it on ebay or just give it away. If anyone is interested in preschool stuff, let me know. Most of it is like wooden puzzles, manipulatives, lace up shapes, flash cards with colors, shapes, numbers and letters, etc...

I was totally planning on McDonalds today and then Jesse woke up (early I might add) and said he didn't feel good. He was white as a sheet and said his tummy hurt. I made him some toast with butter & honey and a little bit of water. He is fine now cause he is already asking for food, but now I won't have anybody to go with cause I didn't make plans. Crud. Now I have to make lunch instead of weaseling my way out of it. Nothing sounds good except a bunless cheeseburger anyway. Oh well.

I am starting to feel a nap coming on. I went to bed late to start with. Then I woke up in the wee hours of the morning. My favorite neighbor was outside screaming cuss words at somebody. It was about 4:30 a.m. Then he screeched his tires racing away down the street. It took me a while to go back to sleep. Then, my darling husband locked himself outside this morning and forgot his keys so I had to get up at 7:15 and let him back in. Good thing he had his cell phone or I probably would have slept through the pounding on the door. I was tired. So I just pushed the on button on the coffee pot and stayed up for the day.
One of my routines is trying to have the coffee ready for the next morning so I don't have to be totally awake to start the day. Sometimes Edgey even turns it on for me. He left me a little note yesterday on the coffee pot and said "I Love You". It was sweet. This morning he left me little piles of dried mud where he put his boots on for work on my freshly vaccuumed floor. Wasn't that sweet? At least he took out the trash.

I keep running across this verse in my readings so I have been thinking about it a lot lately.

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me. -Gal 2:20

If Christ is really living in me, I should be living a truly holy and powerful life. If I am a part of the body of Christ and the body is a representation of Christ himself today, why am I not walking around as Christ did; discerning needs, ministering and seeing people as God himself sees them through spirit eyes? It reminds me of that song... If we are the body, why aren't his arms reaching, why aren't his hands healing, why aren't his words teaching?

I John 2:5-6 says
By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

How did Christ walk? In holiness and power.
Am I truly abiding in Christ? Am I totally dependent on Him? What keeps me from living in holiness and power?

Just what I have been pondering......


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