Thursday, February 23, 2006

mmmmmm, Burger....

Remember how I said I wanted a bunless cheeseburger yesterday? I never did get one. But, you know who got one? I'll give you one guess....... Yep, Edgey had bunless cheeseburgers yesterday. Not fair. Today is my freedom Thursday, so I am definitely going to get a bunless cheeseburger.
Yesterday I did get my nap in. Then did some more endless laundry. I still don't understand how I can finish one day and have 2 totally full baskets the next day ???? I keep looking through the clothes thinking.. Did they really wear this? Can't I just fold it back up and put it in the drawer?
Jesse Boy is obsessed with his camouflage clothing and everytime I get it clean he picks it out to wear. I wonder if he is going to be into hunting and fishing. Last night at church he was standing in the corner up against a wall. B- asked him if he was hiding with his camouflage on and he said yes. I had to laugh about that.
Church was good. Pastor was talking about the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It made me think of when I was a little kid. I was probably about 7 when I read the Easter story and was saved. My Great Grandmother Elizabeth (the one I named my daughter after - what a great inheritance) had given me a little sunday school paper. It was a pale purple color and had the Easter story on it. I read it over and over and over and cried and cried. I remember I was on the front porch at my Mom & Dad's house. No one prayed with me but I gave my heart to Jesus then... I really did not grow up in church but I do remember going to church once in a while. My parents attended a methodist church inconsistently and my great grandmother attended another methodist church. If you know much about methodist churches, they really don't go around speaking in tongues or anything.... I knew nothing about that. But I remember one night my mom had sent me to bed. I shared a room with my brother and sister. I started to pray and all of a sudden I was speaking in tongues (more like whispering so she wouldn't hear me and yell at me). I had no idea what I was doing or saying but I knew I was still praying. I probably prayed that way for a good hour and it felt so good. My mom did yell a couple of times but I didn't want to stop so I just tried to pray even quieter. Finally I went to sleep. It never happened again like that.
It really blows me away when I think about that though. To think that God called me to himself at even that early age. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but he did.
My mom tells a story about when I was about 2 years old and she was coming home from the grocery store. Where I grew up, we lived along a busy street. She had put me down to walk into the house so she could get the groceries out of the trunk of the car and all of a sudden she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She turned around really fast and saw me toddling towards the street. She caught me just in time. It freaked her out that someone tapped her shoulder. She always said I had an angel that was watching out for me.

Ugh... Edgey just called and said he is coming home for lunch today. Now I have to wait even longer to get my burger.... wahhhh.

Around our pillows golden ladders rise,
And up and down the skies,
With winged sandals shod,
The angels come, and go, the messengers of God.
-Richard Henry Stoddard


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