Saturday, March 11, 2006

Home Again

I am home today. Got to be on call again. Work had tried to reach me but SOMEBODY turned off the ringer so I didn't know about it until I was getting my cell phone before I left and checking the batteries and there was a message from work on it.
Actually, today, I am glad I am home. I am feeling kind of yucky today. My stomach is queasy and I hate throwing up but I wish I could so I would feel better.
Anyway, I will probably work on my class stuff for a while. Edgey took the kids and went to his meeting at the church this a.m. and is going to work out there on some project he has going on. Then he is taking the minivan to get the oil and airfilter changed on it. Sounds good to me.
Maybe I will take a nap first.


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