Friday, February 17, 2006

Chocolate Problems

Well I was up late again last night but it was not because of coffee this time. This time it was because I forgot how sugar free chocolate affects my system. Besides the camera phone, Edgey got me a box of sugar free chocolates. I am fine if I just have one or two, but tonight I had 3 pieces. The serving size on the back of the box says 3 pieces so I wanted 3 pieces. I had it all figured in for my little diet thing I am doing. I am sure I lost 3 pounds from running to the bathroom all night.
I should know better, but I haven't had any for a long time. We tease my friend at work cause every weekend she brings her sugar free chocolate and every weekend she is running to the bathroom and passing gas all day long. We threaten to hide it from her. She stinks and she knows it.
I am thinking it would be a good thing for our constipated pregnant ladies to get. Forget taking the stool softeners, just have a few pieces of sugar free chocolate. I suppose it's a good thing for Atkins people too... since there is a tendency to get constipated on Atkins. Too much meat and cheese. Ok, well enough old people and nurse talk.
It's Friday. I have the weekend dread today. It's one of those weekends that I just want to stay home and hang out with Edgey and the kids and get stuff done around the house. At least the laundry is done for a couple of days. I'm sure by Monday, there will be another giant pile to do. Good old never ending laundry. I guess I should just be thankful that I have laundry to do and a machine to do it in.
The kids are begging me to get pizza tonight. Jesse gets to go out with Daddy on a "date" and Ethan and Elizabeth are hanging with me. Jesse wants pancakes so they are going to IHOP.
Well, off to order pizza.
Have a great weekend. I am off next weekend. Yippee.


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