Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas is over. We had Christmas with my family at our house. My mom and dad, sister and her husband and son, brother and his two daughters, my grandpa, and Edgey's Auntie all came over for Christmas dinner. We were all ready for everyone except my nieces because they weren't supposed to be coming..... plans changed. My last minute running this year was mostly because I had to find something for them and a couple of stocking stuffers for Edgey. Sometimes he is hard to buy for. Everything he wants is extremely, tools, boy toys, etc...

Over all we had a good Christmas. Everyone was civil and relaxed. Last year we cooked everything. This year we just cooked ham balls, corn casserole and garlic mashed potatoes, and everyone brought something to share (like a potluck). It turned out great. We had leftovers last night. There is always so much.

My sister was the Grinch this year.... Mom & Dad gave everyone money. My brother spent way too much and got some great stuff this year. He always gets the kids good "kid" presents.

Grandpa got food. Auntie got a set of pans she asked for.

I think the thing that was disappointing was that I don't think the other kids (meaning the 3 that aren't ming) appreciated anything they got. The neices got ipods this year... so we got them itunes cards and a McDonalds gift card, bracelet and sparkly shirt. They just never seem happy... no matter what. I got my nephew an itunes card also, then found out he gave his ipod to my sister... so he threw the itunes card at her too. No matter what we get him, he is not thankful for anything. My brother got the older boys (him and Ethan) a box of 2000 paintballs. All my nephew said was "now I've got 3000 paintballs." Grrrr. Not thank you or cool or anything. How frustrating.

Ok, now I'm done ranting. I got my bird feeders I have been asking for for 3 years. Edgey asked me what I wanted this year. I told him, "The same thing I've asked for for the last 3 years" and he said,"Well you're not going to be saying that again." So I got 3 new bird feeders and 2 metal hanging stakes for them. Now I just have to go buy birdseed and see if I can force the stakes into the frozen ground.

Edgey's favorite gift this year was his airsoft gun. He is worse than Ethan. It had a holster and he wore it around all day on Christmas and kept telling Ethan he was going to shoot him in the butt if he didn't do what he said. LOL Then he had my brother shoot him in the back so he could see how bad it hurt. He had a big welt on his back for the rest of the day. It's probably still there for all I know.

My grandpa really liked the new dogs. He kept wanting to take one home with him. I wish we could get him one, but that is why these dogs ended up in the ARL in the first place. My grandpa is 86 or 87 and he is on the verge of having to go to some assisted living place or nursing home or something. I would feel really bad if another dog ended up like that. I suppose we could always take another one... but 4 dogs are too much for me. It's hard enough watching to make sure I don't step on the two new ones.... They are always underfoot when they are not snoring.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Church Challenge

Found this article this weekend.... "Pastors Challenge Shocks Congregation." You have got to read this one if you haven't seen it yet. How very cool! It made me start thinking what I could do with that kind of a challenge. Read it!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Edgey got up at 5 am and made homemade cinnamon rolls this morning. He makes some most every year for the guys at work or wherever we are. Sometimes he makes enough for neighbors or friends. This year just enough for his work and a couple of plates for us. Talk about a sugar high.

Oh well... once a year. No wonder people gain 10 pounds during the holidays.

Here's Buddy with Elizabeth... :)

Thursday, December 20, 2007


So far, things are going well with the new boys.... They are getting into a routine and they are sooo cute.
This morning Elizabeth woke up and came running downstairs and was freaking out..."Mommy, I got a bloody nose or something! It's all over, EVERYWHERE! It's on my hands and pillow and sheets and it looks like somebody got murdered!" (more drama - not what I like at 7 a.m.) I hadn't even gotten my first cup of coffee finished. I was trying to calm her down and just kept telling her that it could be washed. Her hands and face and pillow case and sheets and pillow could all be washed. She thought she was going to be in trouble or something.... What? do they really think I am going to scream at them or worse?
So it was a rather loud (nonstop chatter) morning. It went better after my second cup of coffee. Ethan and Eliz did their school. Jesse slept in today. About 10:15 I finally had Ethan take the pugs and go wake him up. Ethan pulled back the cover and the pugs jumped on him and licked him to death. LOL. At least he woke up in a good mood. He had to hurry and get his school done.

I took them to my mom's today while I did some more Christmas shopping. I still have a couple more things to get. I didn't get very creative this year. Most years I have some kind of crafty thing I make or create. This year I didn't even have any good ideas. Bad timing I guess. My creativity runs in cycles.
I typed up our yearly letter to mail out last week.... still haven't got any cards out. Sad! I feel guilty! Part of the reason is because I can't find our address book. I let my sister borrow it. She gave it back to me, but I don't know where it went when she gave it back. :(

Gotta go do some dishes.....

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Program and a Christmas Surprise

Our church had a Christmas program today. Elizabeth and Jesse were both in it. It was very cute and Elizabeth had a couple of solo parts. She did a GREAT job! Jesse did pretty good too, but he always tells me, "I didn't feel like singing, mom." So he didn't sing much in it, but he did all the hand motions. LOL The kids all did a great job.
I was elated because I actually got to leave work for a couple of hours to see my daughter sing.
The choir director said Elizabeth was very nervous before the show and asked in the hall, "Is it hot in here?" and was fanning herself. What a drama queen. I could only tell a couple of times by her eyes and expression that she was nervous.
One of the other gals came specifically to cover for me because she thought I should be able to go. God knows what we need when we need it. :)
I was worried right before I left because one of my patients was starting to labor and I needed to transfer her to the L&D side. But Marilyn took over and kept telling me that she could worry about it and to go ahead and leave....very reassuringly. I still have to figure out how I will thank her besides verbally.

We have a couple of new additions to our family. Buddy & Sammy.... The story is that I was taking care of a lady at work. She was asking if I knew anyone that would want a couple of pugs. Edgey's mother and brother both have 2 pugs each and our kids and Edgey have always wanted some. They are sooooooo funny. Anyway, it felt like I couldn't quit thinking about them.... like God was putting it on my mind. So I told my husband about it. He started thinking about it and couldn't quit thinking about it either. They were at a rescue because some older man had to go into a nursing home and couldn't take them. They had spent time in the animal rescue league and this rescue place. The patient had cared for them and since she was having a baby, she didn't think she could do it anymore. One thing led to another and today, Edgey went to pick them up. They are very cute. The black one is Buddy and the fawn is Sammy. They are brothers. Click on the link to see their pictures.
Edgey said they were starved for affection and were climbing all over the kids and licking them. Amie is tolerating them. She had to make her territory known. So far so good. They are kennel and potty trained. They get to sleep in Jesse's room, because they are technically 'his'. We decided since he was the only one that does his chore list consistently and with a good attitude and takes care of Amie, they would be his Christmas present. It was a little early but he was ok with that.
When Edgey picked them up, Elizabeth started to cry and was naughty to Jesse. Then she asked if she could have Amie to be all hers and Edgey said yes. Sooooo Amie may have to tolerated bows in her ears now. I'm not sure. She apologized to Jesse on her own after that. Amie will no longer have to sleep in the basement in the kennel. She gets to be in Elizabeth's room now. This should be an interesting adventure. Oh well.
It smelled like wet dog when I got home tonight. Yuck.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More reasons to homeschool...

I was reading an email from a list I am subscribed to and ran across this video. It is the ultimate explanation of "Why to homeschool?" if you are still asking yourself..... Or if you are asking why I do? Please take a look if you have the opportunity.

Another thing I forgot to note on here: just after Thanksgiving, a Des Moines Public School (East High) had a cross-dressing day or "gender-bender day". WHATEVER!!! Boys were supposed to dress like girls and girls like boys. When one of the students refused, they were told they would get a bad grade. This has caused over 100 parents to pull their kids out of the public school. About time! Here in good old Des Moines....... Did anyone hear about THAT on the news channels?

mood: disgusted!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gospel According to Santa

Ethan gets a weekly newspaper called God's World News. It has short articles with current events that have a Christian worldview. Anyway, I got an email from them today...... as follows.
It was really.... um..... it made me..... pensive. I guess that is the only way to describe it. Maybe I should say it was thought provoking. As follows:

The Gospel According to Santa Claus

As a child in Minneapolis, I grew up listening to Gene Autry sing the
glad tidings, "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." But, coupled with the herald of
good news were words of exhortation and warning:
You'd better watch out.You'd better not cry.You'd better not pout.I'm telling you why.Santa Claus is coming to town.He sees you when you're sleeping.He knows when you're awake.He knows if you've been bad or good.So be good, for goodness sake.
I understand this to mean: He comes and his reward is with him. He will render according to each one according to his deeds.

To the righteous, he will give gifts from the abundance
of his workshop. To the wicked, he will leave a lump of coal in their
stockings--an obvious sign of fire and burning.
We were all forced to ask ourselves, in the light of his inevitable coming, "How should we then live? What sort of people ought we to be, knowing that his coming is at hand? Ought we not strive to be good and found well-pleasing in his sight?"
The answer was clear. It was so clear that we even submitted to the exhortations of others, for they encouraged us and admonished us, lest any be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin and fall short of the blessed gifts.

Now this scenario could have two radically different interpretations among those of us who waited for his coming.
Some would stand in the department store at the place where Santa
received petitions and cry with loud voices, "O Santa, I am thankful that I am
not like these other disobedient children. I have done that which was expected
of me. I have neither cried nor pouted. I have not left unmade the beds which
were to be made. I have eaten my vegetables, cleaned my room, done my homework, and gone to bed at the appointed hour without grumbling. Therefore, O Santa, reward me according to my works and give me presents at your coming."
But others withdrew into a corner of the store where you could hardly see them and
said, "O Santa, be merciful to me a sinner. I have forfeited all claim to your
presents and am not worthy to see your coming."
I contend that position #1 is a profound misunderstanding of how the presents from Santa Claus were actually received. Is there any child who receives gifts because he or she has merited them? Does not Santa Claus look down from his sleigh and pass judgment: "There is none who deserves an American Girl doll or an iPod. No, not one!" When faced with the thought of earning his presents, ought not everyone strike his breast and cry out for grace?
Insight into the human heart ought to teach us that Christmas, even in its most secular version, is about GRACE to the undeserving.
Presents come by grace alone. But the hardness of the human heart in its false
pride re-interprets that to mean "gifts come by good works."
It is the tendency of the human heart to turn a situation meant to teach grace into a
situation of merit. This is not the fault of the situation. In fact, the situation exposes the nature of the heart.
So, Israel turned a situation of grace into one of merit. Israel was a people created by the grace of God, redeemed from Egypt by the grace of God, borne on eagles' wings of grace to the Holy Mountain where they received as a gift the gracious words of God which would permit them to dwell in his holy presence. But over the years, they changed works in the context of grace into works in the context of merit.

People today do the very same thing to the gospel of Jesus Christ. If
ever the message of grace was clearly spoken, it was by Christ--"Flesh cannot
inherit the kingdom of God. You must be born from above by the power of the Holy
Spirit." Behold, he is coming, and his reward is with him. He shall render to
everyone according to his deeds. But they are not deeds of merit whereby we
recommend ourselves to God. They are the deeds of repentant sinners, performed
only through the gracious power of the Holy Spirit. All things are from him and
through him and unto him.
The angels spoke clearly at his birth: "Peace on earth. Good will to men." But hard hearts have taken these words not as God's peace and God's good will of grace, but as man's peace and self-made good will.
Christmas exposes a radical difference between the people of God and
the peoples of the world. We have acknowledged that difference as one of the
reasons for establishing Christian schools and home schools. Now it ought to be
our concern that, at Christmas and throughout the year, our children will be
instructed to reject the gospel of earned presents for the gospel of presents
through grace.
-- Robert R. Drake


I have been fighting the crud for the past 3 days and have been pretty much out of it. My friend Deb left me an email yesterday... all it said was "Kim, can I help you in any way?" She had no idea what was going on with me because I have not talked to anyone recently. I had written back that I was doing better but if she had asked the day before, I would have let her kidnap my kids and take them to the snow banks with her. She wrote back to me today and had a little sad face on her email.... because she was supposed to ask the day prior when I was having a bad day. Here is her reply.... " Sorry. I should just do these things when I'm told, then I wouldn't get distracted and forget. And I shouldn't think, "That is going to sound odd to her," or whatever the case may be."
How many times do we "miss the boat" because we wait and don't do what God prompts us to at the time? I mean, how many times do I miss it because I am not instantly obedient. Thank God for his grace. I think about it at times with my own children. Yes, I am thrilled when they are truly obedient - quickly, without questioning. Whether I reward them or not. Sometimes I think... when it comes to daily chores/requirements.... why do I have to remind them? I wonder if God thinks about these things as our Father? How much more blessed would we be if we would be instantly obedient? Sometimes it is so hard to be sure it is God.... then sometimes it is not.
God help me to hear your voice... all the time... without questioning.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Still trying to see the Donny/Larry connection....

To celebrate Hanukkah last night, I went to a party that my bible college professor had at her home. It was quite fun! We sat around and talked and snacked on naughty food... then we all watched "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" on the big screen TV. I had never seen it before. Since our class was on the 12 Tribes, she thought that it would be fitting. There is one part in the movie where all the brothers "sing" out their names. It was great.... well, if you like musicals. B's favorite guy, Donny Osmond, was in it and I got to see him in giant size on the big screen TV. He even had his shirt off.... LOL He looks quite different in egyptian clothing and makeup. :) After the movie, I passed around some of my oils and we all sniffed them. I even sold a bottle.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah! Happy Chanukah! Take your pick... Tonight is the first night of the "Festival of Lights" which lasts for eight consecutive days (evenings). It is also known as the Feast of Dedication or the Feast of the Maccabees. It commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem by Judas Maccabee in 165 BC after the Temple had been defiled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the king of Syria. In 168 BC the Temple was seized and dedicated to the worship of Zeus and the Jews were ordered to worship Greek gods. Some of the Jews fought back

The fight started when a Greek officer and soldiers assembled villagers, asking them to bow to an idol and eat the flesh of a pig (forbidden). The officer asked Mattathias, a Jewish High Priest, to take part in the ceremony. He refused. Another villager stepped forward to take his place and Mattathias was ticked off, took out his sword and killed the man, then killed the officer. His five sons and the other villagers then attacked and killed the soldiers. Mattathias' family went into hiding in the nearby mountains, where many other Jews who wanted to fight the Greeks joined them. They attacked the Greek soldiers whenever possible.

Judas Maccabee and his soldiers went to the holy Temple, cleaned and repaired what they could, and when they were finished, they decided to have a big dedication ceremony. For the celebration, the Maccabees wanted to light the menorah. They looked everywhere for oil, and found a small flask that contained only enough oil to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days. This gave them enough time to obtain new oil to keep the menorah lit. Today Jews celebrate Hanukkah for eight days by lighting candles in a menorah every night, thus commemorating the eight-day miracle.

Anyway, enough of the history lesson. I just like Jewish holidays. They are cool. They are so much more meaningful than our made up ones.... I mean, really, if you look at Christmas, it was just a made up catholic holiday so people would quit celebrating the winter solstice and crazy pagan rituals. At least Jewish holidays are commanded by God to observe.

What is even more cool is the Blessings the Jews say for Hanukkah......
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and
enabled us to reach this occasion.