Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Program and a Christmas Surprise

Our church had a Christmas program today. Elizabeth and Jesse were both in it. It was very cute and Elizabeth had a couple of solo parts. She did a GREAT job! Jesse did pretty good too, but he always tells me, "I didn't feel like singing, mom." So he didn't sing much in it, but he did all the hand motions. LOL The kids all did a great job.
I was elated because I actually got to leave work for a couple of hours to see my daughter sing.
The choir director said Elizabeth was very nervous before the show and asked in the hall, "Is it hot in here?" and was fanning herself. What a drama queen. I could only tell a couple of times by her eyes and expression that she was nervous.
One of the other gals came specifically to cover for me because she thought I should be able to go. God knows what we need when we need it. :)
I was worried right before I left because one of my patients was starting to labor and I needed to transfer her to the L&D side. But Marilyn took over and kept telling me that she could worry about it and to go ahead and leave....very reassuringly. I still have to figure out how I will thank her besides verbally.

We have a couple of new additions to our family. Buddy & Sammy.... The story is that I was taking care of a lady at work. She was asking if I knew anyone that would want a couple of pugs. Edgey's mother and brother both have 2 pugs each and our kids and Edgey have always wanted some. They are sooooooo funny. Anyway, it felt like I couldn't quit thinking about them.... like God was putting it on my mind. So I told my husband about it. He started thinking about it and couldn't quit thinking about it either. They were at a rescue because some older man had to go into a nursing home and couldn't take them. They had spent time in the animal rescue league and this rescue place. The patient had cared for them and since she was having a baby, she didn't think she could do it anymore. One thing led to another and today, Edgey went to pick them up. They are very cute. The black one is Buddy and the fawn is Sammy. They are brothers. Click on the link to see their pictures.
Edgey said they were starved for affection and were climbing all over the kids and licking them. Amie is tolerating them. She had to make her territory known. So far so good. They are kennel and potty trained. They get to sleep in Jesse's room, because they are technically 'his'. We decided since he was the only one that does his chore list consistently and with a good attitude and takes care of Amie, they would be his Christmas present. It was a little early but he was ok with that.
When Edgey picked them up, Elizabeth started to cry and was naughty to Jesse. Then she asked if she could have Amie to be all hers and Edgey said yes. Sooooo Amie may have to tolerated bows in her ears now. I'm not sure. She apologized to Jesse on her own after that. Amie will no longer have to sleep in the basement in the kennel. She gets to be in Elizabeth's room now. This should be an interesting adventure. Oh well.
It smelled like wet dog when I got home tonight. Yuck.


Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

this is mariah... your dogs are very cute!! That is cool that you adopted them! Good Christmas present!

7:28 AM  

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