Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I have been fighting the crud for the past 3 days and have been pretty much out of it. My friend Deb left me an email yesterday... all it said was "Kim, can I help you in any way?" She had no idea what was going on with me because I have not talked to anyone recently. I had written back that I was doing better but if she had asked the day before, I would have let her kidnap my kids and take them to the snow banks with her. She wrote back to me today and had a little sad face on her email.... because she was supposed to ask the day prior when I was having a bad day. Here is her reply.... " Sorry. I should just do these things when I'm told, then I wouldn't get distracted and forget. And I shouldn't think, "That is going to sound odd to her," or whatever the case may be."
How many times do we "miss the boat" because we wait and don't do what God prompts us to at the time? I mean, how many times do I miss it because I am not instantly obedient. Thank God for his grace. I think about it at times with my own children. Yes, I am thrilled when they are truly obedient - quickly, without questioning. Whether I reward them or not. Sometimes I think... when it comes to daily chores/requirements.... why do I have to remind them? I wonder if God thinks about these things as our Father? How much more blessed would we be if we would be instantly obedient? Sometimes it is so hard to be sure it is God.... then sometimes it is not.
God help me to hear your voice... all the time... without questioning.


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