Thursday, December 20, 2007


So far, things are going well with the new boys.... They are getting into a routine and they are sooo cute.
This morning Elizabeth woke up and came running downstairs and was freaking out..."Mommy, I got a bloody nose or something! It's all over, EVERYWHERE! It's on my hands and pillow and sheets and it looks like somebody got murdered!" (more drama - not what I like at 7 a.m.) I hadn't even gotten my first cup of coffee finished. I was trying to calm her down and just kept telling her that it could be washed. Her hands and face and pillow case and sheets and pillow could all be washed. She thought she was going to be in trouble or something.... What? do they really think I am going to scream at them or worse?
So it was a rather loud (nonstop chatter) morning. It went better after my second cup of coffee. Ethan and Eliz did their school. Jesse slept in today. About 10:15 I finally had Ethan take the pugs and go wake him up. Ethan pulled back the cover and the pugs jumped on him and licked him to death. LOL. At least he woke up in a good mood. He had to hurry and get his school done.

I took them to my mom's today while I did some more Christmas shopping. I still have a couple more things to get. I didn't get very creative this year. Most years I have some kind of crafty thing I make or create. This year I didn't even have any good ideas. Bad timing I guess. My creativity runs in cycles.
I typed up our yearly letter to mail out last week.... still haven't got any cards out. Sad! I feel guilty! Part of the reason is because I can't find our address book. I let my sister borrow it. She gave it back to me, but I don't know where it went when she gave it back. :(

Gotta go do some dishes.....


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