Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas is over. We had Christmas with my family at our house. My mom and dad, sister and her husband and son, brother and his two daughters, my grandpa, and Edgey's Auntie all came over for Christmas dinner. We were all ready for everyone except my nieces because they weren't supposed to be coming..... plans changed. My last minute running this year was mostly because I had to find something for them and a couple of stocking stuffers for Edgey. Sometimes he is hard to buy for. Everything he wants is extremely, tools, boy toys, etc...

Over all we had a good Christmas. Everyone was civil and relaxed. Last year we cooked everything. This year we just cooked ham balls, corn casserole and garlic mashed potatoes, and everyone brought something to share (like a potluck). It turned out great. We had leftovers last night. There is always so much.

My sister was the Grinch this year.... Mom & Dad gave everyone money. My brother spent way too much and got some great stuff this year. He always gets the kids good "kid" presents.

Grandpa got food. Auntie got a set of pans she asked for.

I think the thing that was disappointing was that I don't think the other kids (meaning the 3 that aren't ming) appreciated anything they got. The neices got ipods this year... so we got them itunes cards and a McDonalds gift card, bracelet and sparkly shirt. They just never seem happy... no matter what. I got my nephew an itunes card also, then found out he gave his ipod to my sister... so he threw the itunes card at her too. No matter what we get him, he is not thankful for anything. My brother got the older boys (him and Ethan) a box of 2000 paintballs. All my nephew said was "now I've got 3000 paintballs." Grrrr. Not thank you or cool or anything. How frustrating.

Ok, now I'm done ranting. I got my bird feeders I have been asking for for 3 years. Edgey asked me what I wanted this year. I told him, "The same thing I've asked for for the last 3 years" and he said,"Well you're not going to be saying that again." So I got 3 new bird feeders and 2 metal hanging stakes for them. Now I just have to go buy birdseed and see if I can force the stakes into the frozen ground.

Edgey's favorite gift this year was his airsoft gun. He is worse than Ethan. It had a holster and he wore it around all day on Christmas and kept telling Ethan he was going to shoot him in the butt if he didn't do what he said. LOL Then he had my brother shoot him in the back so he could see how bad it hurt. He had a big welt on his back for the rest of the day. It's probably still there for all I know.

My grandpa really liked the new dogs. He kept wanting to take one home with him. I wish we could get him one, but that is why these dogs ended up in the ARL in the first place. My grandpa is 86 or 87 and he is on the verge of having to go to some assisted living place or nursing home or something. I would feel really bad if another dog ended up like that. I suppose we could always take another one... but 4 dogs are too much for me. It's hard enough watching to make sure I don't step on the two new ones.... They are always underfoot when they are not snoring.


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