Friday, November 16, 2007

A Trip

Edgey's grandmother passed away last Thursday. We left on Sunday night after I got off work to go to the funeral. His mother had asked him to do part of the ceremony. He was all wigged out about that. Then they asked me to sing one song.... Wind Beneath My Wings.... which turned into 2 songs and almost 3 if I had known the hymn they wanted. Luckily I had never heard of it before (or heard it).
Sunday night we drove through the night. We left a little after 10 p.m. I slept most of the trip because I had been up since 6 a.m. and no nap. Edgey had a 3 hour nap and was ready to go until about 4 in the morning. That is when I took over. The hotel was in Larned, KS. Never been there. I guess that is where she lived and raised her kids. It was a good 8 hours drive.
We got there just in time to unload and have breakfast at the hotel. His mother and an aunt were eating breakfast.
I vegged out for a while and his mom brought our Christmas presents from last year so that we could open them. There was a lot of cute stuff. Jesse got a box full of dress up stuff, knights armor, pirate hook & patch, sheriff stuff, superman (new one) and new batman outfit. He was excited. Elizabeth got a box also.... with anything and everything prissy you can think of. She also got some kelly dolls (Barbie's little sister). Jesse got an imaginex castle with knights. The kids are playing with that right not as a matter of fact. Ethan got a portable DVD player (came in handy on the trip home) and a CD player with a WOW cd. He was thrilled with that. Edgey & I got some cd's and I got a really nice necklace Annie had made. It is going to go perfect with a sweater I had just bought. Yay! Edgey also got a couple of new shirts. We were blessed. Of course I didn't get anything packed for them. I suppose I will have to mail it this year. We are not planning on going anywhere for Christmas this year.
The kids sat around in the room and watched Hannah Montana .... it must have been a marathon... while I dozed in and out on the bed. I don't even remember what we did for lunch.
For supper we all went to a chinese buffet.... hicksville chinese buffet. It all tasted like 5 spice. not my favorite spice. The only thing good was the crab rangoons that had absolutely no crab in them. After that we went to the viewing. Elizabeth had a horrible time and cried and cried. I think it was partly because she was tired from everything. She would go give great grandpa a hug and he would start crying too. Wow. Talk about emotional.
I had her touch great grandma's hand and remind her that there is nothing there except the "shell" and the important part - her spirit is with Jesus. I believe it is anyway. Whenever she prayed over the next couple days she always said "and let grandma have fun in heaven. Amen"

Tuesday was the big day. They had a lunch at the church prior to the funeral. That was wierd for me. I remember food after the funeral any other time I have been to one. So I ate a little bit because I hate eating before I sing. It screws up my voice and I feel like a have a constant frog in there. Then we had the service. Edgey did a good job talking about Emmanuel - god with us... maybe they will remember that at Christmas time too. I did fine on the first song The Lord's Prayer, but on the second song I don't know what happened. I got through the first couple of lines and just started bawling. I kept thinking how the words fit her so much. How she was always so supportive and never took credit and how she would lift you up and encourage you just like a grandma is supposed to. Anyway, I finally was able to sing the main chorus towards the end. I was frustrated with myself, but what do I do? Oh well.
Then we drove forever to some other little town to the cemetary. I had to go to the bathroom sooooo bad. There was nowhere except a little tree. I left asap with the kids and drove into town to find something. NOTHING was open.... so then I had to drive 20 miles... in the wrong direction.... to find a gas station. I had no clue where I was. I didn't care. At least I found a bathroom. So we got snacks and headed back to the hotel. Everybody was there by that time.

Then it is time for supper again. 7:00 and we are finally deciding to head for another town 20 miles away to get real food. We went to Perkins and had breakfast. It was comforting. Then we went to walmart to look around and drove back home.... had to stop to get gas too. That was a chore. Small town gas stations close early..... we finally found one that took credit cards and was open.
The next morning (Wed), I went down for breakfast and the sisters had already had an argument and weren't speaking to each other. His mother packed up quick and was ready to leave and we were talking with one of the aunties. We finished packing and chatted with Grandpa before we left. The the long drive home. I drove the first 1/2 and then he drove for a while until after supper and I finished driving home. I am tired of fast food. That is for sure.

I made Italian Tomato Tortillini soup this afternoon. Yumm.. The kids ate almost 3 bowls each. It is not very "organic" but it sure tastes good!

1 lg can cream of tomato
1 quart can of tomato juice
1 can condensed milk
1/2 jar Ragu garlic parmesan sauce
italian seasoning
1 pkg frozen cheese tortellini

Boil tortellini according to package and toss into simmering soup.
very easy.


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